SMscope Sep 8, 2024

Scorpio, your attention is on healing and being present with yourself. This energy may feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but as we keep moving through the Waxing Crescent Moon phase, you’ll start to feel more at ease with these new priorities. It’s not that you haven’t been focused on your healing before — it’s just that there are some layers of grief and trauma that are now ready to be released from your spirit, and from your heart. Now that Mars is in Cancer, you’re being asked to face your fears without trying to run away from them or hide them under the rug. This is one of the most profound ways you can evolve this year — by choosing courage over comfort, again and again.

SMscope Sep 7, 2024

Scorpio, think back to where you were six months ago. What lessons have you learned since then? What patterns have you let go of? Where are you ready to make more space for self-love and self-care in your life? Aspects of your past may come up for review now, as well as any secrets that may have been kept from you. Your mission is to lead with love, and choose love — not because it’s easy, but because it’s what’s most necessary right now. As this moment might bring up themes of vulnerability and intimacy, you’re being asked to tap into a greater sense of self-awareness by asking yourself what triggers your insecurities or fears. Once you acknowledge them without judgment, they’ll start losing their power over you.

SMscope Sep 6, 2024

Dear Scorpio, the current moon transit means today may feel a bit wonky, but the more you lean into this energy and let yourself flow without trying to control your destiny… the more you’ll end up feeling pleasantly surprised by what unfolds. With the Moon entering your sign tomorrow, emotions will collectively deepen. We’ll also be able to sense people’s intentions even more than usual, so to avoid overwhelm, be sure to spend time in nature and use grounding practices. With Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, we’re being asked to release our need for clarity and structure. This is a period where we’re meant to learn how to thrive amidst the unknown. Think about it — if you already knew what was going to happen next in your life, would it really be that exciting?

SMscope Sep 5, 2024

Dear Scorpio, as Mars, one of your planetary rulers, moves through Cancer, your sector of adventure and life purpose is being activated. This means that you may be inspired to share more of your thoughts and feelings with those who matter most to you. You may also feel ready to put your creative ideas into action. Pluto, your other planetary ruler, who’s retrograde in Capricorn may be leading you to think about the past more than you’d like to admit. A part of you may be yearning for someone from your past this week, or being reminded of them out of nowhere. Don’t beat yourself up if this happens, it’s a natural part of the human experience. It also doesn’t mean that they should re-enter your life now either. Keep nurturing the part within yourself that knows how much love is available for you from the cosmos, when you’re ready for it.

SMscope Sep 4, 2024

Scorpio, with Pluto’s re-entrance into Capricorn, you may feel like you’re at a standstill in life. It may not be the best time to make any major decision, but to instead reflect on recent events. Focus on being kind to yourself and giving yourself what you need. As Mars, your second planetary ruler, enters Cancer for six weeks, you’ll feel a strong pull toward spirituality and healing. At the same time, you may also feel more sensitive, restless and emotional as well. The key is to be honest with yourself about what’s going on within you, rather than pretending that everything’s fine when it’s not. You’ll soon start feeling a fresh sense of optimism for what the cosmos has in store for you — so keep holding on!

SMscope Sep 3, 2024

Scorpio, you may be feeling more serious and focused than usual, with Pluto in an Earth sign. It’s like part of you wants to take the plunge into an exciting new relationship or creative venture, while another part of you is overthinking every step and trying to make sure it’s ‘perfect.’ Your task with this week’s Virgo New Moon energy, is to check in with your self-talk. Is it filled with criticism? With doubt? With comparison? Mars is about to enter Cancer, where it will remain for the next six weeks. This transit increases our sensitivity and emotional intelligence. Spend today releasing all the thoughts that are no longer serving you, so that you can embrace a new chapter where self-love feels more abundant than ever before.