Scorpio, this is the week where you can tell that the seasons within you are shifting, significantly. You can tell that if you choose to be optimistic about your future, your life experiences will continue to astound you. Scorpio Season was all about shadow work, and Sag Season is about stepping into the light. Being the light. And letting yourself shine brightly and unapologetically. You’ve probably noticed that you’re speaking your mind more outwardly this season, rather than keeping your thoughts locked within. This is good, and the Aquarius Moon on Monday and Tuesday will show you just how revolutionary it is to let others know where you stand. By healthily setting boundaries with them or opening up about your needs, they can better meet you where you are. At the same time, it’s important to be self-reflective with Mars Retrograde in Gemini activating our sector of intimacy and mergers. Have you been showing up for others in a way that reflects their love language and their needs?
With the Moon in Pisces Wednesday through Friday, you may be feeling creatively inspired, and you may end up writing or creating a piece of art that best articulates your current sensations. Even if you feel nervous or shy when it comes to sharing that art with the world, you’re encouraged to do so this week, because Jupiter is currently direct in the sign of Pisces, making this a very lucky time for you to put yourself out there artistically (and romantically too). You may hear a positive response about a gig you applied to, or you may suddenly decide to sign up for an art form that your inner child has wanted to do all their life. Even if all you have is 30-minute dance parties with yourself in front of the mirror, know that tapping into your artsy nature will feel supremely liberating and expansive for you, Scorpio.
The highlight of this weekend is Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy and Illusion, ending its five-month retrograde in the sign of Pisces, on Dec 3. We’ll feel the pre-shadow effects of Neptune’s upcoming shift direct all week long, so you may be feeling either more sleepy or dreamy this week, and that should be honored. Scorpio, take care of your body more than ever as November ends and December begins. Sag Season can have a dehydrating effect on us, especially since the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all currently in Sag at the same time. Staying hydrated, meditating regularly, moving your body, and breathing fresh, clean air will help us wake up from any brain fog that Mars Retrograde and Neptune Retrograde may have led to us feeling.
This is also a powerful wknd to take a look at any addictions you have and may be ready to work on releasing, either through moderation or through quitting cold turkey. Whether that’s smoking, drinking, watching too much TV, or social media addictions, Neptune’s shift direct will remind you that you’re the captain here. If you want to do better, it may feel deeply challenging at first, but as you stick to doing what’s difficult, your mind will eventually think it’s part of your regular routine, and it won’t feel as hard to rewire yourself and choose better options. This doesn’t mean that your growth or your healing journey will be linear though — it will have many fluctuations, and that’s to be expected. Celebrate the small wins along the way, and visualize yourself crossing the finish line with ease and lots of celebration!
This is the final week to take advantage of my exclusive pre-order campaign! Pre-order the Signs & Skymates suite (book, deck, and journal) before December 5, and you’ll receive a Birth Chart Reading created by me + Astro Compatibility Course. Learn more here.
If you’re based internationally, you can still take part in this campaign and receive your pre-order gifts, just submit your receipts here instead. Enjoy!