Scorpio, you’re probably feeling tired and introspective as the week begins, because we’re approaching the Full Moon in Virgo — the final full moon of the current astrological cycle. Two weeks ago we experienced the New Moon in Pisces, the final new moon of the current astro cycle. This means we’re reaching a full circle moment, when the sensations from two weeks ago are starting to crystallize in our subconscious minds, allowing us to paint a more precise picture about what it is that we really want, and that we really don’t want. So much has been changing already this month, but this Virgo Full Moon encourages us to ground ourselves amidst the change, and remember that we can set our own pace. Just because everything seems to be speeding ahead doesn’t mean we have to move so fast that we end up spinning and disoriented. Take stock of what you have the capacity to do, and to give, this week. Less is more. Click here for a full moon guide that’ll help you release the dead weight this full moon week.

Another reason why it’s important to simplify your life and be more loving toward yourself? Saturn, the Teacher Planet, leaves Aquarius after a 2.5 year stay, and enters our fellow Water sign of Pisces on the 7th — the same day of the full moon. In the days prior to Saturn’s shift into Pisces, you probably had to have some uncomfortable conversations with past or current partners, friends, family members, or work colleagues. Chances are you had to cut some cords and even perhaps burn some bridges, especially if you’ve felt repeatedly taken for granted or taken advantage of. It was necessary for you to use Saturn’s final days in Aquarius to set firm boundaries, and these boundaries will serve you for weeks to come.

Now, Saturn in Pisces is here to help you learn how to trust where you are right now, and build a solid foundation for your future, though the lens of trust, and sensitivity. You have to be brave enough to open your heart up to the right people, and let yourself be supported by them. This won’t happen overnight, which is why Saturn will remain in Pisces for nearly three years. But as early as this week, you’ll notice yourself softening emotionally. It’ll feel scary at first, but it’ll also be profoundly healing down the line, as you attract the people who are truly meant for you.

Once the full moon starts to wane on Wednesday, and shifts into Libra, your sector of solitude will be activated, and you may find yourself profoundly creative and artistic around this time. Get lost in a piece of art, or watch a movie that speaks to your soul. Chances are, the art you create or consume will serve as a healing balm for you, especially if you’ve been keeping some intense emotions locked within yourself. This full moon week is an invitation for you to drop the dead weight, and admit to yourself where you’re still hurting.

This weekend the Moon’s in Scorpio, and this facilitates an ideal time for us to reflect on everything that this transformative week has brought to the surface of our lives. Celebrate yourself for ending toxic cycles — including cycles that you may have initiated or perpetuated. It may take you a few more days or weeks to truly integrate everything that’s transpired with this Saturn shift and Virgo Full Moon, so don’t rush the process. Journal your feelings, spend time near water, cry as much as you need to, and know that just like a Phoenix that has risen from its ashes, you are now fully reborn.

Read more about what this iconic month has in store in your monthly forecast for March 2023

Want to know more about how to manifest or maintain your dream life, and most ideal relationship, by being your dream partner first and foremost? My book Signs & Skymates has all the insights you need! Order it here. So many of you have let me know how it’s transforming your view on love, relationships, friendships, family dynamics, and compatibility. I’m so grateful my labor of love is speaking to you in this way. S&S is available as a hardcover, e-book, and audiobook. Thank you infinitely for the support — enjoy the journey!

Learn more about this year’s transits in Scorpio’s 2023 Cosmic Guide, my latest digital report with over 65 pages of insight on all the major transits of the year (including love + career transits) and how they affect Scorpio placements. Enjoy!