We’ve made it to the start of eclipse season 2022, Scorpio. The main message of this Taurus Solar Eclipse occurring on April 30, is to be still, be present, and be prepared for blessings, abundance, and miracles. But in the days prior to the eclipse, we are in the dark-of-the-moon period, which will be most potently felt on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. This period can make us feel more melancholy, alone, and confused about where we’re heading.
In Scorpio’s case, this confusion may particularly occur when it comes to our romantic relationships, our friendships, and our professional partnerships. So much is changing in this area of our lives, and it may feel overwhelming. But then again — when are things not changing? This week, we must accept the fact that life is a cycle of change and transformation. And with our ruling planet, Pluto, beginning its retrograde in Capricorn on the 29th of this week, we are feeling the influences of change more profoundly.
On top of this, we currently have Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune all in Pisces, and this stellium energy (a stellium is when three or more planets are in the same sign) is making us ultra sensitive. Our dreams are speaking to us more intensely, and sometimes what we want seems so close to us, yet still out of reach. The days before the solar eclipse are about letting yourself feel the feels without being defined by them. It’s okay to feel emotionally all over the place — just tap into the Taurus energy to ground yourself, through drinking herbal tea, stretching your body, taking deep breaths, and staying close to nature.
And once the eclipse strikes at 4:28pm EST on Saturday, April 30, nothing will be the same. You will suddenly find that you can’t tolerate wishy-washiness in your relationships, whether it’s coming from yourself, or from others. You will feel more confident about expressing what your true needs are, and you won’t fear the depths of your emotions, or your passions. You’ll own them completely.
This is a new moon that allows Scorpios to embark on a fresh start romantically. The experiences or relationships you once tolerated will shift dramatically if they aren’t aligned with what you now know that you deserve. This may at first make you feel sad, and you may have to mourn their endings or their shifts, but within these next six months — and even within the next two weeks because the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio occurs on May 16th — you will notice that because you’ve purged what you know isn’t meant for you, you’ve created an opening for connections that are aligned with what you deserve.
I went live on IG this week and shared my thoughts on this eclipse magic. Watch it below for deeper insights. Enjoy!

If you want a look ahead to find out what the Scorpio Total Lunar Eclipse will bring into our lives, order Scorpio’s 2022 Cosmic Guide, which is now 20% off here. It contains over 50 pages of in-depth insights on all the eclipses, new moons, full moons, and major transits of this year, as well as how it’ll influence Scorpio romantically, professionally, spiritually, and financially. Let this digital guide be your companion as you navigate the peaks and valleys of 2022.
Thank you infinitely to everyone who’s pre-ordered my upcoming book, Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility, is now available for pre-order! It officially publishes on December 6, 2022 via Running Press / Hachette. You can already order it in advance here. Pre-orders are super helpful for authors in the publishing process, so each one means a lot to me!! I’m sooo excited for you to read this labor of love and have a deeper awareness of compatibility between the zodiac signs!

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