The Scorpio Full Moon lights up the skies on Tuesday, April 23rd at 7:49pm EST. We’ll feel the effects of this full moon as early as the week begins, and all throughout the week. This also marks the six-month mark before our birthday season begins. Use this full moon to reflect on how much you’ve grown since Scorpio Season 2023. It may feel like you’ve experienced a lifetime of evolution in a short amount of time. This is largely due to the fact that we’ve made it through the eclipses as well as last week’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, and now this week’s full moon is the opportunity to integrate all the intense downloads that the month of April has instilled in us.

Make stillness the theme of this week, especially since Mercury remains retrograde in Aries until the 25th, activating your sector of health, wellness, and routine. Your body, mind, and spirit may be in need of more rest than you’ve been giving it. Keep in mind that Mars, our ruling planet of action, remains in Pisces until April 30th, and when Mars is in Pisces it’s not always in the mood to go, go, go… It would rather dream, play, dance, sing, paint, draw, surrender, make love, act, sleep, and cook. How much have you been allowing yourself to indulge in these activities, Scorpio? Even if you’ve been doing so, this is your sign to do even more. Kick things up a notch. Not at work, but when it comes to play and passion. That too, is part of your purpose.

Once Mercury shifts direct on the 25th, you’ll start to feel more energized and motivated when it comes to your fitness routine, but because we’ll still have the post-shadow effects until May 6th you’re advised to ease your way into whatever lifestyle change you feel called to make near the second half of the week. Also keep in mind that even though the Scorpio Moon energy will begin to wane after it strikes on the 23rd, we’ll still be feeling sensitive, moody, dramatic, horny, and intuitive in the post-full moon atmosphere. Moving your body through gentle stretches, long walks, and quick jogs may be more beneficial than trying to do super intense cardio or weight lifting as Mercury shifts direct in your health zone.

Romantically-speaking, Venus’ final week in Aries is encouraging you to explore your own needs and your own selfish attitudes as a lover, both currently and also in the past and the future. Now that eclipse season has come and the conjunction has struck, you’re likely to feel more optimistic and positive about what’s possible for you romantically, but you may also feel apprehensive or a bit fearful of what it’d look like to fully commit to love and believe in the best case scenario. That is due to a conjunction that Chiron (the Wounded Healer asteroid) makes to Venus and Mercury in Aries. The best thing you can do to flow through the discomfort of these wounds is to acknowledge they exist rather than trying to deny their impact on you. Get curious about what they’re trying to teach you about what you need to feel safe…

Do you want one on one astrological guidance as you navigate this week’s Scorpio Full Moon? I’m offering 30-minute and 1-hour astro consultations again via Zoom, and I’m also offering in-person astrological consultations in London, England from April – June 2024! Book your spot with me today. Limited availability: