SMscope Mar 15 – 17, 2024

Scorpio, the Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini can make you feel restless as it becomes void on Saturday night and then comes into its First Quarter Moon phase Sunday at midnight. You may want to take the day off from your usual routine and spend time exploring nature, or simply being present with yourself. But you may also feel a bit of resistance to letting yourself rest. You may have a lot on your mind regarding financial matters, or about the future of your intimate relationships. These topics are better left for another day when you’re more focused and aligned with your desires. The Moon then shifts into Cancer on Sunday, inviting you to spend time thinking about what self-imposed limitations are preventing you from truly living in alignment with what makes you happy and fulfilled.

SMscope Mar 13 – 14, 2024

Scorpio, with the Moon currently in Taurus coursing through your partnership sector, and your rulers, Mars and Pluto, moving through your area of family ties, you’re being asked to take a leap of faith in your relationships. This doesn’t mean that you have to go back to someone from your past –it’s about believing that healthier love is possible for you, even if it’s never happened before. With Mercury currently in Aries, there may be moments where you’re being extra sensitive or intuitive about what you can do to improve your life by including healthier routines. Make sure you don’t jump to conclusions about your health and your improvements that your mind goes into a loop of overthinking. This is a time to think less and to act more, and to allow for things to reveal themselves with time.

SMscope Mar 11 – 12, 2024

Venus enters Pisces on Monday, where it will be for the next 3.5 weeks, connecting you with your inner child and your ability to play! Your ability to heal from the inside out will lead to you being able to create healthier connections with yourself and others. There may be a part of you that’s currently afraid to open up your heart again, or even afraid to feel deeply because you’ve been through so much in your life. But you’re being reminded that when you block out pain, you also block out pleasure. So instead of trying to be stoic and strong all the time, find strength in being vulnerable with yourself first and foremost. Face what needs to be faced, cry when you need to cry (even if it’s for no reason at all), laugh when you need to laugh (even if it’s for no reason at all).

SMscope Mar 8 – 10, 2024

Mercury, the Planet of Communication, enters the fiery sign of Aries on Saturday, activating your sector of work habits and health routines, Scorpio. For these next two months, you may feel more assertive and bold when it comes to your responsibilities. You’ll be able to deal with any unhealthy chaos and bring more order and ease into your daily rituals. Then on Sunday, we have the New Moon in Pisces, exact at 5:00 am EST, inviting you to just indulge in pleasure, and to enjoy the time that you have. Each moment is a creative act when you bring your presence into all that you do instead of giving into going through life on automatic. Recommit to living with less fear, and with more joy and immense faith in each process that life puts you through. It’s also a beautiful time to allow yourself to be a little more flirty.

SMscope Mar 6 – 7, 2024

As Wednesday begins with the Capricorn Moon Void, it’s likely to feel like a combo of clarity and confusion, Scorpio. Your mind may be racing with thoughts about what you need to do to accomplish your most pressing missions, but you may also be aware that there’s a part of you that’s still healing from past disappointments. It’s best to focus on tying up loose ends and completing tasks you’ve already started rather than initiating new projects right now. Then once the Moon enters Aquarius on Wednesday late afternoon, you’ll feel more free-spirited and creative, and more willing to think outside the box when it comes to your resources and self-care routine. This would be an ideal time to go back to your resolutions and see which ones are ready for a revamp or completion. Mercury will enter Aries soon, so the next days are best for giving finishing touches to creative projects and ideas.

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: March 4 – 10

Scorpio, this week is all about nurturing your inner artist and opening your heart to love. The New Moon in Pisces takes place on March 10th at 5:00am EST, in your sector of true love and creative self-expression. Check in on the healing impact that creation, romance, and self-expression have on your life, and make sure that you’re prioritizing time to simply play and indulge in imaginative pursuits, without immediately thinking of how and when to monetize your talents. Tap into the joy of passion play, and use Venus and Mars’ presence in Aquarius to visualize how you wish to balance the responsibilities in your life with good old-fashioned fun.

The energies leading up to the new moon are relatively calm, encouraging you to tap into the experiences that provide you with the most pleasure. Since your dating sector is also activated by Pisces Season, and Mercury is going through its final days in Pisces, you’re feeling more sensual, loving, and flirtatious — direct that energy toward those who deserve it. Allow yourself to playfully flirt! Accept invitations to let loose! You have been too focused on achieving perfection in your life, but what if you focused on making sure your inner child is consistently beaming with joy?

On the 9th, Mercury, the Planet of Communication, shifts into Aries, where it will be for the next two months. This gives you the clarity to bring the right kind of structure into your day-to-day routines. This will be a time to tap into what uplifts your mental, spiritual, financial, and physical health and to create an action plan towards that. The key isn’t to rush to the finish line, but rather to practice discipline and consistency while hyping yourself up in the process. Mercury in Aries will also make you more outspoken romantically, so if you felt a bit wishy-washy concerning your intentions for your love life, you’ll have much more clarity near the end of this week. Just make sure you’re making room for the other person (or people) to express their intentions too, and it’s best to avoid reacting impulsively or making rash decisions.

Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces is here to remind you that there is no right way to experience life; life is about finding your own way through trusting your intuition and knowing how to listen to cosmic messages. This is a time to get clear about what you want and what wants you back. You’ll feel ready to step into a new era of your life, one that feels lighter and more easeful. Enjoy the softness and sweetness of this lunation, because eclipse season is right around the corner, and that may bring some speed bumps or plot twists your way. But if you make room for the love that’s around and within you, you’ll find that you’re divinely supported and protected this month and beyond.