Scorpio, we’ve made it through the final eclipse of 2022, and the second eclipse of Scorpio Season. Congratulations! We won’t be experiencing another Total Lunar Eclipse until 2025, so this is a significant milestone. We’ll still feel the eclipse energy for two more weeks though, so pace yourself as you embrace your rebirth. For you, this eclipse activated your sector of marriage and partnership, helping you take the most soul-centered approach to navigating the next steps in your romantic, creative, and professional partnerships. It may not be until the New Moon in Sag takes place on Nov 23 that you receive a full confirmation on what your post-eclipse self truly wants, but in the meantime, celebrate the fact that you’ve given yourself permission to explore the possibilities, even if your path is full of unknowns. Since this lunar eclipse occurred while the South Node (symbol of our karmic past) is in our sign, many of our long-term desires will start to come to fruition these next 6 months — but only once we fully face our shadows rather than run from them. What questions linger within you that you’ve been afraid to answer?