The Moon is in Cancer for the next two days, meaning we’re ending the month of November on a sentimental and slightly nostalgic note. Don’t be surprised if people from your past hit you up around this time, Scorpio, as we’re also in the pre-shadow period of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde. You may end up going down a trip down memory lane, either through looking back on old photos or re-reading past texts from people you once deemed an irreplaceable part of your life. Try your best to take these feelings as they come without being paralyzed or overwhelmed by them. The energy of the Gemini Full Moon is still coursing strongly through the cosmos, encouraging us to peacefully cut ties with what we’ve outgrown while also acknowledging the roles certain people and situations played in our lives. You can move on without holding on to resentment, grudges, or anger. You can choose to breathe your way into a new life, one that provides you with the reciprocity and respect you deserve.