Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, has officially shifted into Aries for the first time in 12 years! Aries is a sign that’s ruled by Mars, just like Scorpio, so this transit is an exciting change for Scorpios because it’ll mean that more Mars-like energy will dominate the cosmos. We come alive during Jupiter in Aries, as it ignites us with strength, passion, and courage. Jupiter’s the largest planet in our solar system, and many Scorpios will feel Jupiter in Aries’ influence when it comes to our mental and spiritual health. This is the ideal time to start fresh when it comes to taking care of yourself from the inside out. And the best thing is, it can be easy. Start with the spirit of a beginner, focusing on your foundations for divine health and great wealth: sunshine, pure water, rest, nourishing food, movement and lots of laughter. Make joyful self-care your ritual as you step into this new chapter. Enjoy!