The Moon’s in Leo for most of the weekend, Scorpio, and on Sunday morning it shifts into Virgo. Our sectors of reputation and social networks are activated by these lunations, encouraging us to get clear about what we feel most passionate about professionally, and what we seek in friendship. With Jupiter currently in Aries, the more we prioritize our passions, the luckier we become. But also keep in mind that Pluto, one of our planetary rulers, is now in Aquarius, and this transit squares off (causes astrological friction) with our Scorpio nature. The Leo Moon also creates friction with both Scorpio and Aquarius energy. This could lead to you second-guessing yourself or getting caught up in power struggles. Whenever you catch yourself getting distracted by unnecessary dramatics, take a deep breath and center yourself, Scorpio. Instead of letting external energy drain you, enter the month of April focusing on what amplifies your joy.