Welcome to the 2/2 ascension portal, Scorpio! The Waxing Crescent Moon hangs out in Aries, urging you to explore your routines and spiritual path with renewed courage. Mars in Cancer continues to nudge your emotional growth, inviting you to embrace vulnerability with yourself and the world. Ask yourself: where do you crave more authenticity or room to expand? This is a powerful day to think about the areas of your life you’d like to open up in order to feel greater alignment with your purpose. Meditation or visualization exercises can help you connect with your future self—the version of you that has let go of fear and boldly stepped into their power. Pay close attention to any limiting beliefs or blockages that may arise during these practices. Instead of dismissing them, explore their origins and allow yourself to process them. By acknowledging these feelings, you’ll be better equipped to release them when the moment is right. Trust that today could mark the beginning of a deeper alignment with your truest self.