Scorpio, the Gemini Full Moon takes place at 11:08pm EST tonight, activating our sector of depth, intimacy, and mergers. Think back to where you were in your life around May 30 of this year. Events unfolding this week are connected to that time, but now you’re wiser and more aware of past patterns. Mars, one of our planetary rulers, is retrograde in Gemini right now, meaning that by the end of the year, we are supposed to learn a key lesson, rather than repeat it. But at the same time, perhaps it’s as we repeat a key lesson that we’re better able to learn it… Accept the dualities and contradictions in your life right now, Scorpio. It’s all part of the process. Let yourself flooow as you grooow. PS: My book, Signs & Skymates, is out now. Make my day and order yourself (or a loved one) a copy today. Thank you!