Scorpio, welcome to the 12/12/2022 ascension portal! This is the final numerological portal of the year, and the fact that it’s taking place just a few days after the final full moon of the year means we’re likely to feel like we’ve achieved a significant milestone in our lives this week — or that we may be on the brink of achieving one. As the week begins, the Moon’s in Leo, activating your sector of career and reputation. Instead of immediately shifting your focus on what you want to achieve next, you’re encouraged to tap into Mars Retrograde energy and do a yearly review of what you’ve already accomplished. It’s as you celebrate yourself and truly take stock of your magic that you’ll be blessed with even more rewards. Gratitude is the magic key that unlocks doors to even greater possibilities. List or reflect on all the courageous steps you’ve taken this year, and be proud of yourself, Scorpio. This is only the beginning of the plans the Universe has for you and your ascension!