Happy full moon, Scorpio! On the morning of April 6th, the Libra Full Moon strikes in our sector of spirituality and closure. The next full moon will be a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th, and we may already be tapped into that eclipse energy a month ahead of time. Whatever happens around this full moon has an element of unpredictability attached to it, and since Pluto, our planetary ruler, is in the emotionally-detached sign of Aquarius for the next two months, we may be surprised at how much we let go of the need to control others, and ourselves, during this Libra Full Moon cycle. Spend this full moon portal in deep conversation with yourself, perhaps through journaling, stretching your body, or meditating. Tap into what you’ve been yearning to express, both physically and psychologically. Major breakthroughs await once you give yourself permission to feel the totality of your emotions.