Are you ready to feel more confident when it comes to expressing the depths of your romantic and creative desires, Scorpio? This weekend Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy, shifts direct in Pisces, activating our sector of fate and true love. We’ll still feel its post-shadow period for over a month, but we’ll also start to see the light when it comes to attracting, deepening and maintaining love bonds in a healthy, spiritual and sustainable way. Even if you haven’t viewed romance and intimacy as much of a priority for you this year (or if you’ve tried to convince yourself not to), Neptune being direct in Pisces will open your eyes to see all the love that’s been waiting for you to receive it. Admirers and romantic declarations may pop up this weekend — or you may be the one who feels ready to let someone know what’s up. Trust what’s coming up for you without second-guessing it. Life’s full of plot twists, and the way the narrative of our life goes is influenced by how courageous and open-hearted we decide to be in the present moment…
SM’s Wknd Scopes 11/28 – 11/29/20
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I love that you still upload our daily horoscopes because you have always hit spot-on with everything you say thank you Scorpio mystique