You’ve been dreaming of this new beginning for quite some time now, Scorpio. And this week, with the Aries Full Moon activating your sector of wellness and service, you may find that you’re living it. This week encourages you to be bolder and put yourself and your talents out there. Yes, your ruler Mars is retrograde, but that doesn’t have to stop you from activating skills from your past and letting them shine in the now moment. Let go of any and all excuses. Resist the urge to put off your own joy…
With both Saturn and Pluto ending their retrogrades in Capricorn this week, while Mars, our ruling planet, deepening his retrograde, we may feel a tug of war between speaking our truth, and keeping things to ourselves. We are very much still in hermit mode, particularly September 29 – Oct 3rd, when we’ll feel the influence of the upcoming Aries Full Moon. Since this full moon activates our wellness sector, you’re being asked to give yourself more time to figure out how you really feel about something or someone. If you try to rush into a decision impulsively, it will backfire and leave you feeling disoriented. Use the end of Saturn and Pluto retrograde to ground yourself in what feels most real and secure right now.
Mercury, the Planet of Communication, spends its first full week in Scorpio, and this can increase our powers of concentration and our powers of magnetism. Use these powers wisely, Scorpio, as it can also increase your secretiveness and mysteriousness, so you may be confusing people by being too enigmatic. Those you love in particular will want to know what’s on your heart, especially since Venus spends its final week in Leo, encouraging us to live and love boldly, in a heart-centered, fearless way. If you’re able to open yourself up to genuine conversations that get to the root of what you and your lover(s) want, you’ll feel quite empowered in yourself as the month of October begins, and you’ll end the year keeping this more courageous way of connecting going strong.
With major planets shifting direct this week, we may feel a bit of whiplash as we still want to indulge in hibernation, yet we’re also filled with the sensation that so many things in our lives are about to shift for the better. Use this Full Moon week to purge your mind, home, office space and social circle from all that weighs you down and distracts you from your bigger purpose. Embody big Scorpio energy and do what needs to be done, in order to thrive in Scorpio Season and beyond. You got this!
Join me in NYC Saturday 10/10/2020 for an intimate EP performance, Love Mantra video premiere, and deeply awakening astrological address in East Village! Learn more about the event and save your spot here.
There’s a Full Moon this week, making it a powerful time to take part in a Full Moon Release Ritual. Take time this week to decide what you’re no longer holding on to, and start the process of letting it go. I have created a Manifestation Moon Guide to help you with this process. Enjoy!
Loving the new look dosse on the website X seems like you are transforming X your astrology always speaks deeply to me, like someone who gets me (am sure many Scorpios feel the same, as we get so misunderstood) so thankyou very much for your wisdom too X good reminders for our empowerment on this soul journey????????♏xxxx