Happy Pisces Full Moon, Scorpio! Since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the Pisces Full Moon is the culmination of a full moon cycle, which is why you may feel almost inebriated by its intoxicating spiritual and emotional effects. Since we’re Water Signs, like Pisces, we’ll be feeling more introverted, creative, sensual, dreamy and imaginative this week, particularly between September 20 and September 24, when the effects of the full moon will be felt most intensely. This full moon activates Scorpio’s sector of pleasure, fate, true love, and adventure.
Many of us will feel like a situation with a friend or lover has reached a full circle moment. Either we’ll admit to someone how much we love them, and they’ll do the same, or perhaps some Scorpios will be healing from a separation or from ending in a connection. Let yourself feel whatever comes up for you — whether you want to jump for joy every time you get a text from bae, whether you want to write yourself your own love letter listing all the qualities you love about yourself, or whether you want to cry your eyes out in therapy. Here’s a link to 1 free week of online therapy with the site that I use if you feel called to begin! All of your feelings are valid. The key is to be honest about what you’re feeling, and to also view art as a wonderful outlet for all the emotions that will come up for you this week. Take time to do a full moon releasing ritual this week, where you reflect on whatever dead weight or psychological burdens you’re ready to release in order to make room for the magical of the equinox that begins on the 22nd.
Tuesday and Wednesday, the Aries Moon helps us shift gears into more work and health-oriented tasks. Tuesday is the last full day of Virgo Season, and the combination of the Aries Moon and Virgo Sun can amp up our productivity and drive. Just remember that we’ll still be feeling a bit tired from the full moon, and Mercury Retrograde’s pre-shadow period is in full effect since the retrograde begins next Monday, the 27th. So even if you have major tasks to power through, stay hydrated, take frequent breaks (and naps!), and don’t be afraid to ask for help! The Aries Moon may make you feel that you have to do it all by yourself, but it’d actually be wiser for you to take a team approach to getting things done this week. Know what your strengths are, and be honest about where you need more support. Wednesday the 22nd, the equinox strikes and a new season begins for all skymates, infusing us with a fresh start and blank canvas. Reflect on where you want to direct your energy this October – December 2021 — they’re likely to be some of the most empowering and transformational months for us, Scorpios!
This Thursday through Saturday, the Taurus Moon and the Libra Sun will have you reflecting on your partnerships and your relationships. Is there balance and harmony in your friendships, romantic relationships, and professional dynamics? Or do you feel like there should be conversations to discuss what your current intentions, needs and desires are you in your connections, or vice versa? It’s best to initiate these conversations this weekend, before Mercury shifts reverse. But instead of immediately having the conversation with others — have them with yourself. If, for example, you can tell that you’re in a relationship where you feel like someone likes you more than you like them, ask yourself if that’s because of a fear of getting hurt. If you’re the one who feels obsessive about someone, ask yourself what it’d look and feel like to redirect all that attention you give them, towards yourself. Once you’ve had a good, honest assessment with yourself about what’s going on internally, it’ll be easier for you to externalize your sensations and make room to hear the other person (or people’s) perspective.
This Sunday, the Moon enters Gemini, making the end of the week significantly more chill than the emotionally-intense start of the week. Because it’ll be the day before Mercury Retrograde begins, you may already start to feel some tech and communication delays, so consider this a heads up. As much as you may find yourself losing your patience if you have to wait in line or if you have to repeat yourself several times, remember that this is the final Mercury Retrograde of the year, and retrograde seasons are always here to teach us the power of presence, and patience. What are you rushing so much for anyway? With all that we’ve experienced this year, the Universe is gifting us with an opportunity to take a cosmic breather, to slow down, to track our progress, to revise and re-route as needed. This is much more of a blessing than it is a burden, so once you decide to view it that way, you’ll find yourself appreciating the slower pace and you’ll be more mindful of what you think, what you do, and who you spend your time with. End the weekend celebrating the magic of being alive by surrounding yourself with people who want to see you happy.
There’s still plenty of time to make your dreams come true this year, Scorpio. Quarter 4 is about to begin! 2021 is a “5” year in numerology, and that symbolizes freedom, adventure, liberation and bliss. These are some of the main themes we can experience in 2021! For more insights on what the next 3 months of 2021 have in store, read your 2021 Cosmic Guide, a 55+ page digital report written by me, which includes a Bonus Love Forecast for Scorpio within it. It’s now 60% off. Have a beautiful week, and enjoy your 2021 Cosmic Guide!