Scorpio, we’ve made it past the second Aquarius Full Moon. Take a second to celebrate your growth since February 2021. These past six months have helped you learn how to trust yourself, your ancestors, and your intuition, even if you weren’t fully sure where you were headed, or what was coming up. The rest of the month of August will feel relatively chill compared to the first three weeks of this month, so definitely let yourself indulge in regenerative, purifying activities as Virgo Season kicks off. Clean your home and your work environment, purge your phone of unnecessary data, contacts, or images, and rest as much as you can. Monday’s Pisces Moon encourages you to ease into this final full week of August and make sure your cup is full before tending to anyone else. 

Tuesday – Thursday, the Aries Moon fills you up with great drive and ambition as you notice yourself feeling increasingly productive and focused. The Sun in Virgo and Moon in Aries is a powerful Earth-Fire combination, encouraging you to pay attention to the details in all the work that you do, while also allowing yourself to be seen, celebrated and rewarded for the work you do. These may be great days to pitch a new concept at work, ask for a raise, or launch a new product in your own business. Taking well-calculated risks will help you get further than you thought you would. Be bold enough to try. 

The Moon is in Taurus for most of the weekend, activating Scorpio’s partnership sector, and asking us to get clear about what we may need to feel more secure and at ease in our connection. Scorpio, you’ll be particularly noticing shifts regarding your love life, relationships and ideas of intimacy. Since Uranus, the Planet of Change, is currently retrograde in Taurus, what we desire may not be as straight-forward as one would expect. For example, you may find that you actually are seeking fewer daily check-ins with the person you’re dating or talking to, because all of this retrograde and Virgo Season energy has you focused more on work and on self-development. Uranus has a tendency to bring a sense of ‘divine discomfort.’ That is, the kind of discomfort that pushes us in the direction of new desires. Be honest with yourself about any imbalances or unmet needs in the sphere of relationship. What could be changed here?

People aren’t mind-readers, Scorpio, so if there’s something you need to get off your chest about how they can best be in relation with you, you should vocalize it. You’ll most likely be pleasantly surprised at how receptive the other party is. Maybe they’re seeking more space too! The same goes for Scorpios seeking deeper intimacy, not only in love, but also their friendships or familial bonds. This weekend’s Virgo-Taurus energy helps you say things as they are, and you’ll end the week feeling much more self-aware, and ideally, much more understood. 

Enjoy the more mellow yet practical pace of this week, Scorpio. You’ve been undergoing powerful transformations all year long, and you deserve a cosmic breather before a new month begins. Take time to do a full moon releasing ritual if you haven’t yet. This ensures that you’re actively dropping the dead weight and preparing for a fresh slate in September. Have a beautiful, restorative week!

Have you heard the news? I’m writing an in-depth compatibility book that’ll be published internationally next year! Submissions are currently open for readers who feel called to share their stories, their charts, and their compatibility experiences, to be potentially included in the book! If that’s you, submit your responses here by 8/30. Thank you to everyone who already has 🙂