Scorpio, the recent New Moon in our sign served as a portal and catalyst that’s leading us to next week’s Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus. This week is therefore one of the most significant and astrologically potent weeks of the month, so hold on tight, my loves, we’re in for a wild ride. Monday through Wednesday, the Moon in Capricorn activates our communication sector and asks us to get serious regarding passion projects, financial logistics, and long-term plans that we should put into motion. The New Moon energy is still going to be intensely felt up until November 14th, so take time to either set your intentions or revise them this week — remember that you must face your shadows and inner blockages before trying to manifest the next chapter in your life. So if as the week begins you find yourself being your toughest critic, breathe, take a break from the responsibilities you place on yourself, and celebrate the progress you’ve already made. Then, once you feel grounded again you can move forward.
Mid-week, both Saturn and the Moon in Aquarius make challenging planetary aspects to Mars and Mercury in Scorpio, which can mean that our ego, temper, and frustrations may be running high, particularly if we have to deal with unexpected delays or re-routes. Watch your tongue around Wednesday and make sure that you’re not reacting impulsively or making decisions just to prove a point. Sometimes your pride has to take a seat to ensure that you don’t burn any bridges or end up feeling even more misunderstood or alienated. Wednesday would be best for taking a break from social media, not always checking your emails or your phone, and instead focusing on grounding, healing, and restorative activities such as stretching your body, spending time in nature, journaling, gardening, meditating, and soul-searching.
The 11/11/2021 portal occurs on Thursday, and the Moon and Jupiter conjoin in Aquarius, helping lighten up the cosmos considerably after the intensity of the Scorpio-Aquarius squares that occurred on Wednesday. Suddenly the matters you were stressing about just one day ago won’t feel as intense. You’ll be proud of yourself for choosing to breathe through the chaos rather than add fuel to the flames. But you may also be feeling extra stimulated by the conjunction between the Moon and Jupiter. So many opportunities to secure your foundation, become a better communicator, and switch up the status quo are going to make themselves evident to you this week, and this month. The key is to pace yourself. You don’t have to say yes to each opportunity. See what you are fully lit up by, and put anything else on the back burner. Being more selective about how you spend your time and resources will be your saving grace. Focus on doing less, not more.
Romantically, since this is Venus’ first full week in Capricorn, there is a possibility that you’ll be more focused on your career, your reputation, and your finances rather than on love. But at the same time, Mars, our planetary ruler, is in Scorpio all month long, activating our sensuality, passion, lust, and sexuality. So you may vacillate from being in work-mode to being in a state of fantasy and daydreaming about your next love-making session. While a part of you may roll your eyes and wish that you could turn off your inner romantic, another part of you knows that magic exists in one’s ability to keep believing in love, even if we’ve been hurt or spited before.
With the lunar eclipse in Taurus about to activate our partnership sector next week, on the 19th, there’s likely to be a profound breakthrough happening in our romantic and platonic connections, and we’re likely to start to feel this upcoming change as early as this weekend. Try your best to accept the unexpected circumstances that are popping up for you right now. The more you resist or deny them, the more evident they’ll become. Lunar eclipses shift things around so that our lives can be more in alignment with how we’re meant to live, so trust the shifts in your connections without overthinking them. Soon, it will all make sense. Have a great week, Scorpio! Watch my New Moon Mantra visual as you set your intentions and visualize yourself six months from now, living your best life.
I’ve written “Scorpio’s Guide to Scorpio Season”, a digital PDF which includes pre-written scopes for all 30 days of Scorpio Season! You’ll also receive two bonus guides: Scorpio’s Evolution Guide and KTZ’s 2021 Cosmic Guide. Thank you to everyone who’s already purchased the report. Enjoy, and have a great Scorpio Season!