Scorpio, whether you want it to or not, your heart keeps opening and expanding, as does your capacity to give and receive love. With this week’s Lunar Eclipse in Gemini activating your sector of depth and merging, and Venus spending another week in your sign, you’ll realize that you’re ready to trust again. You’re ready to feel safe being your most passionate, and free-spirited self, without restraints. You may have let your hermit mode keep you in a spirit of deep self-reflection and self-protection these past two months, but now this eclipse is showing you that there are other worlds out there ready for you to experience, and ready to experience you. A world beyond pain, beyond struggle, beyond trauma. Open the door to that world, whenever you’re ready.

Monday – Wednesday, you’ll still be absorbing the eclipse energy and adjusting to the changes in your financial, romantic, and spiritual connections that may have suddenly taken place. Many Scorpios will be focused on eliminating nonessentials from their monthly budget, so you may spend the first days of the week planning ahead for 2020 and 2021 expenses and investments. With Saturn and Jupiter spending their final two weeks in Capricorn, we’ll find ourselves taking our finances and career paths more seriously this week, because we can tell there’s unfinished business that must be done for us to unlock the next chapter of our lives — one that’s full of greater ease and an ability to live easy without thinking about the next hustle. That’s right, Scorpio, as we’re rounding out the Capricorn era in terms of generational planets, the Age of Aquarius will be here to help us lighten up when it comes to pressures we place on ourselves. So all these loose ends you’re tying up now will lead to greater freedom in the months to come.

The key is to make sure you’re placing your attention on the most immediate concerns, and not fill your week with busy work, Scorpio. December 2nd – 4th the Cancer Moon will ask you to take a break from adding things on to your to-do list, and to meditate on what’s been going on internally. You’ll feel more sensitive to your inner child’s needs around the middle of the week, and your imagination and powers of creativity will deepen too, especially now that Neptune, the Planet of Fantasy, is spending its first week direct in Pisces, activating your sector of creativity, fate and true love. Even if there’s a lot that you want to do when it comes to getting your life together, you’ll have to tend to your sentimental desires, Scorpio — that’s part of your wellbeing too, and it shouldn’t be placed on the backburner as something you’ll focus on after you feel the most financially or profesisonally secure. If you’re craving cuddles, platonically or romantically, admit that. If you want forehead kisses, ask for them, or indulge in movies or TV shows where you feel that type of energy being transmitted. With Venus, the Planet of Magnetism, currently in our sign until December 15th, what we want can come to us with greater ease if we have the courage to own up and ask the Universe, and our ancestors for it.

The thing is though, Scorpio, if we’re really being honest, most of us are afraid of what we really want. We’re afraid of what would happen, and who we’d become, if we actually received it, and allowed ourselves to have it without pushing it away. Self-sabotage may tempt you this week, but you shall overcome its lure, and you will remind yourself of how much you’ve navigated this year. Yes, this final stretch seems like it’s putting you through a major final exam of sorts, and in many ways, it is. That’s why it’s essential that you take time to do a full moon releasing ritual anytime this week. Use KTZ’s Manifestation Moon Guide if you’d like guidance on how to let go of the dead weight and prepare for the next chapter of your ascension. If you don’t consciously work on moving past the grudges, resentment, stressors or inhibitions that may have been living within you for years, then you’ll find it more challenging to flow with the upcoming Aquarian energy, because everything will feel like a threat. But here’s the thing, Scorpio. The Universe truly wants to gift you blessings. It has heard your prayers, it has seen your tears, and it’s about to send you a miracle more grand than you could have ever asked for. So trust that it’s coming, and live your life accordingly.

Romantically, you may be caught by surprise this week by the profundity with which you’re able to express yourself, either to yourself, or to the person currently making you feel butterflies. Lovemaking, flirting, or exchanging love notes feels extra sensual now that Neptune’s direct and harmoniously loving on Venus in our sign. But at the same time, some Scorpios may find that they’re still healing from a bruised heart this week. Venus in Scorpio can bring out our more obsessive, possessive, controlling side, so if you’re still trying ot manipulate your way back into a lover’s heart, you may have a wake-up call this week that lets you know that the more you chase them, the more they’ll run. Venus in Scorpio energy tells it how it is, so there’s no point in being a masocist, Scorpio. If a relationship has run the end of its course, this eclipse week’s energy will encourage you to find ways to accept that and begin the process of moving on. Once the Moon shifts into Virgo this weekend, you’ll be able to think more rationally about the shifts happening in your love life, and instead of blaming yourself or others, you’ll give yourself the time needed to recenter yourself and remember that you’ve always been whole. You are your primary lover. Watch my visual for Love Mantra as a reminder of the abundance of love that exists within and around you. It hits different watching it now that Neptune is direct, because Neptune rules music and love, so there are new elements to this video that you’ll discover as you keep opening up your heart chakra and healing from past wounds, with the awareness that love is an infinite resource.

In honor of Giving Tuesday taking place this week, I’m giving away a 1:1 phone/Skype astrology consultation and 5 digital copies of Scorpio’s upcoming 2021 Cosmic Guide to a loyal reader! To enter the giveaway, please support my homegoing travel agency Magic & Melanin’s Homegoing Fund. We’re raising funds to help bring 25+ diasporans back to their native home in West Africa in 2021! Donate any amount today (literally anything you feel called to), and you’ll automatically be in the running to win a private consultation with me + 2021 Cosmic Guide! If you’ve already donated to the fund this month, you’re already in the running. My assistant will randomly pick the winners on Thursday 12/4/2020 by going through the list of donors, and we will email those who’ve won the giveaway to let them know. Thanks for the support, and good luck!!

Learn how to get to know the three levels of Scorpio’s evolution, the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix to activate your self-awareness and overcome blockages in your own psyche as you continue to ascend. My latest guide, Scorpio’s Evolution Guide, is available for digital download now. Enjoy!

Scorpio’s Evolution Guide


Scorpio is the only sign of the zodiac to have not one, not two, but three symbols and stages of evolution: the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. These stages represent our innate responses, which may range from profound self-protection and suspiciousness to great empathy and compassion. We are an integration of the spiritual and physical energy of all three of our symbols, and part of our evolution as Scorpios is to be aware of these stages and to know what stage we may currently be at.

Scorpio’s Evolution Guide serves as a timeless guide to exploring, understanding and integrating the three stages of our evolution, so that we can live life feeling self-aware, protected, and confident in our superpowers. All three stages of a Scorpio’s evolution are to be equally loved and respected — one is not necessarily better than the other. Order this guide if you’ve been wanting to deepen your knowledge of your own levels of evolution, and deepen your awareness of what it truly means to be a Scorpio. All guides will be delivered digitally as a PDF. Thank you!

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Scorpio is the only sign of the zodiac to have not one, not two, but three symbols and stages of evolution: the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. These stages represent our innate responses, which may range from profound self-protection and suspiciousness to great empathy and compassion. We are an integration of the spiritual and physical energy of all three of our symbols, and part of our evolution as Scorpios is to be aware of these stages and to know what stage we may currently be at. Scorpio’s Evolution Guide serves as a timeless guide to exploring, understanding and integrating the three stages of our evolution, so that we can live life feeling self-aware, protected, and confident in our superpowers. All three stages of a Scorpio’s evolution are to be equally loved and respected — one is not necessarily better than the other. Order this guide if you’ve been wanting to deepen your knowledge of your own levels of evolution, and deepen your awareness of what it truly means to be a Scorpio. All guides will be delivered digitally as a PDF. Thank you!


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