We’ve made it to an epic week astrologically, Scorpio. On the 9th, Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, begins its four-month retrograde in our sector of wealth management, depth, and merging. Then two days later, our planetary ruler Pluto ends its five-month retrograde and shifts direct in Capricorn. A whole new way of moving through life is upon us. And our abilities to fine-tune what matters to us while being more discerning about how we spend our resources is heightened due to these two transits. You may deal with people who look at you and say, “you’ve changed.” View this as a compliment, my love. You’re the sign of transformation and it was about damn time you made some changes in your life that are more aligned with what your soul really wants. You’re done compromising your needs to not rock the boat. The whole ocean is rumbling thanks to your awakening, so people better hold on tight, because you’re just getting started.
The week begins with the Sagittarius Moon activating your sector of money and security. The way you manage your money has been a major theme for you this year, Scorpio, and when the Moon is in Sag you tend to think about it more than other times of the month. Do your best to reflect on your spending and saving habits with a compassionate spirit. You don’t need to be too hard on yourself, but you also don’t need to live in an illusion and pretend everything’s alright when it’s not. With Pluto shifting direct on the 11th, it’s best to look at situations head-on and still remain an optimistic perspective regarding how you’re going to get a handle on what needs to be handled. This is a good time to ask for help and be willing to receive even more than what you asked for. Just be sure to ask from sources you trust and who can genuinely move the needle… Putting a band-aid on a wound that needs proper surgery isn’t going to be a sustainable solution.
Mid-week, once the Moon shifts into Capricorn and Pluto ends its retrograde in Capricorn on the 11th, prepare to feel a tremendous amount of clarity in the days and weeks to come regarding what may have made you feel creative or social blockages these past five months. You may have been overthinking your creative projects, which could have led to you gatekeeping your own magic from the world. This may be a recurring wound and pattern that you’re working on overcoming, and fortunately, Pluto remains in Capricorn up until November 19th, so you have the rest of Libra Season and all of Scorpio Season to get out of your own way and consistently let your magic be felt, seen, and celebrated, even if you previously were hiding your light for whatever reason. It’s not too late to claim your spot on the throne. It’s been waiting for you to do so anyway.
Mercury shifts into our sign on the 13th, fine-tuning our powers of communication, creativity, and magnetism. Having both Mercury and Venus in Scorpio will increase our powers of attraction, not only romantically but also financially and professionally. But it can also increase our stubbornness and pride, which could lead to burnt bridges if we allow our ego to get in the way of healing conversations with ourselves or others. Use this transit to be honest with yourself first and foremost about what you really want. If you’re not yet sure, it’s okay, it’ll start to become clear to you next week when the Aries Full Moon strikes in your wellness sector. But for this week, Mercury in Scorpio is helping you have x-ray vision on what’s not working in your life, and that’s already a great starting point for making more room for what your heart has been whispering to you. Soon those whispers will get increasingly loud, and you won’t be able to ignore them. So heed their call, Scorpio. Heed their call.
The latest edition of my highly-requested Uranus in Taurus Forecast series has just been released! Uranus is the Planet of Change and Surprise, and it’s been completely radicalizing our personal and professional relationships ever since 2018, when it entered our opposite sign of Taurus. Now that we’re nearing the end of Uranus in Taurus, I’ve written a 30-page digital report to help Scorpios learn how to receive the love, abundance, and harmony that they’ve been seeking. All orders of this PDF guide will also include Part 1 – 4 of the previous forecast, as a bonus gift.
Uranus in Taurus Part 5: Allowing Yourself To Receive
My latest digital forecast, Uranus in Taurus Part 5, serves as a guiding tool for Scorpios navigating the 6th and 7th years of Uranus in Taurus (October 2024 – December 2025). Scorpio’s relationship foundations are dramatically shifting due to this transit. This forecast breaks down the energy of Uranus in Taurus in our partnership sector, and also highlights specific dates where we may feel its influence most intensely in our relationships. If you’ve been navigating challenges in your partnerships and feel like you’re at a crossroads in your love, professional, and social life, this forecast is for you. Empower yourself and empower your relationships by being self-aware and accepting of the changes manifesting in your life, rather than trying to control everything. You are not alone, and you will make it through stronger, wiser, and more evolved than ever. Allow yourself to receive!
All orders of Uranus in Taurus Part 5 are available for download immediately after purchase, and will also be emailed to you. As a Bonus Gift, I’ve also included Uranus in Taurus Part 1, 2, 3, and 4 as downloads so that you can catch up with the entire series of love forecasts. Enjoy!
Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, shifted into Taurus in May 2018, where it will remain until April 26, 2026. Since Taurus is Scorpio’s opposite sign of the zodiac, its transit has a direct effect on our partnership sector these past 6 years, and will continue to influence this part of our lives for the next two years. Our romantic partnerships, as well as all types of partnerships, will experience a radical transformation from the inside out. This is something that we’ve felt within ourselves, and it will now manifest outwardly. My latest digital forecast, Uranus in Taurus Part 5, serves as a guiding tool for navigating the 6th and 7th years of Uranus in Taurus (September 2024 – December 2025). Your relationship foundations are dramatically shifting, but as long as you trust your heart and your instincts, you’ll experience the love life meant for you, Scorpio. 2021 was filled with cosmic plot twists in our love lives, and life in general, and 2022 – 2023 provided us with the opportunity to liberate ourselves from our own limitations and learn how to love without expectations, in both love and life, even in the midst of constant change. Now, 2025 is the year that encourages us to learn how to receive the love we’ve been praying for. It’s here.
The latest edition of this forecast, Part 5, breaks down the overall energy of years 6 and 7 of Uranus in Taurus, and also highlights specific dates where we may feel its influence most intensely in our relationships. If you’ve been navigating challenges in your partnerships and feel like you’re at a crossroads in your love and social life, this forecast is for you. Empower yourself and empower your relationships by being self-aware and accepting of the changes manifesting in your life, rather than trying to control everything. You are not alone, and you will make it through stronger, wiser, and more evolved than ever.
All orders of Uranus in Taurus Part 5 are available for download immediately after purchase, and will also be emailed to you. As a Bonus Gift, I’ve also included Uranus in Taurus Part 1, 2, 3, and 4 as downloads so that you can catch up with the entire series of love forecasts. Enjoy!
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