Scorpio Season was one of the most intense four weeks we’ve experienced in a while, so as the week begins celebrate yourself and the fact that you’re still out here being a human in this wild world, Scorpio. Instead of always feeling like you have to don your superhero cape, give yourself permission to take it off fully. Let yourself simply be human. That means accepting the totality of the humanness, including the messiness, and even the overanalysis.
The week begins with the Scorpio Moon helping us redefine ourselves. Now that the eclipse energy is dwindling, we’re gaining momentum and clarity when it comes to who we’re evolving into. This Wednesday’s New Moon in Sagittarius is the fresh start we’ve been asking for, so use the start of the week to clear up space physically and psychologically before the New Moon strikes. As Scorpio Season comes to an end, take time to check in with yourself instead of running on auto-pilot. Chances are, with a few strategic shifts, you can create better ways to do what you love, without feeling burnt out or taken for granted. Perhaps that means being more selective about the jobs or opportunities you say yes to. Now that Mercury and Venus are in Sag, you’re also finding it easier to peacefully release the relationships that you once unhealthily clung to, and this is making room for more energizing, peaceful connections to enter your life.
Sag Season starts this week and significantly lightens things up, but also make them more fiery and spontaneous simultaneously. Wednesday and Thursday are peak new moon energy, and you may want to radically shift your daily routine, as well as your financial priorities this day. So much is shifting rapidly, but remember that Mars is still retrograde in Gemini, activating Scorpio’s sector of depth and intimacy. This retrograde will last until January 2023, so even if we feel like everything has to radically change, it could simply be that Mars wants us to change internally, and be aware of our internal changes. Then, once it shifts direct next year and comes out of its post-shadow retrograde phase, we’ll really know which direction to propel ourselves into. So slow down and relax, Scorpio — especially during moments when you think it’s impossible to do those things. That’s especially when you should.
Romantically, Venus in Sag is encouraging us to have greater humor in our connections. We may not realize how much someone cares about us, simply because we’re busy overanalyzing or overthinking. But once we allow ourselves to laugh at our our insecurities or paranoia, those feelings no longer have as much influence over us, and it’s likely that we’ll receive the response we’ve been seeking from potential or current partners. Laughter can truly heal, and if you also dare to communicate your concerns instead of trying to be the empress/emperor of mystery at all times, you’ll see that there’s more progress and transparency in your relationships.
Releasing control and becoming a lover who can love with healthy detachment — those are your evolutionary missions and challenges that you’re being asked to navigate as the year ends. Take it breath by breath, and know that this evolutionary journey isn’t necessary. Some days you’ll be better at releasing your ego’s judgments than others. It’s all part of the process.
For more insights on how to tap into this evolutionary way of healing yourself and cultivating deep bonds in your relationships, order Signs & Skymates, my upcoming book which comes out in two weeks, on Dec 6! Thank you to everyone who’s already pre-ordered. So excited for you to read it! Be sure to claim your exclusive pre-order gifts (Birth Chart Reading created by me + astro compatibility course) here.