Welcome to the Taurus New moon week, Scorpio! On Tuesday, May 7th at 11:22pm EST, the Taurus New Moon strikes in our sector of marriage and partnership. Before rolling your eyes and assuming that nothing good will come from this, take a deep breath, and practice gratitude. Scorpios sometimes are so focused on getting to the next best thing that they forget that they once wished for what they have now. What are you grateful for, Scorpio? In what ways has your life improved compared to a year or two ago? The more you can simplify your desires this new moon week, the greater your ability to receive will be. Before thinking about your ideal partnership existing outside of your own self, use your planetary ruler Mars’ presence in Aries to prioritize the partnership you have with your own self — you good? Are you meeting your own needs? Are you respecting your own boundaries? Are you being true to your heart’s desires?
Mercury is spending its final full week in Aries this week, and it’s activating your sector of health, wellness, and routine. One of the best ways for you to counteract the restlessness that you may be feeling is to move your body consistently. Even just dedicating yourself to a 30 minute walk or stretch every day this week will do a world of difference for your mental and physical health. Work-wise, you’ll channel Mercury and Mars in Aries to tackle projects that you had previously procrastinated on. You’re quickly realizing that the only thing standing in the way of you and where you want to be is your own self-sabotage. Instead of beating yourself up about it, use the momentum from the Taurus New Moon to set intentions regarding how you can better show up for yourself and your responsibilities, and keep promises to yourself. Instead of promising yourself the world, break your goals down into concrete, step-by-step action items that you can accomplish on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Taurus Season is great for routine-based initiatives, especially since Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is currently spending its final two and a half weeks in Taurus.
Romantically-speaking, you may find yourself in observation mode now that Pluto, our second planetary ruler, is retrograde for the next five months. You’ve attracted people who can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? A part of you wants to ensure that the person or people you’re crushing on has substance and isn’t just glitz and glam on the outside. But in order to figure that out, you have to be patient, both with yourself and with others. Use this new moon week to set intentions regarding how you want to consistently feel in your healthiest relationships, intimately and platonically. What type of friend and lover do you want to show up as, and what type(s) of friend(s) and lover(s) do you want to have in your life? Weigh that intentions list against the realities of who you’re making space for in your life, and if there’s dissonance, it’s your sign to make the necessary adjustments over the course of the next six months. To evolve past your current circumstances you have to be brave enough to choose differently, and to say no to what doesn’t align with your vibration or values…
Read your May 2024 monthly horoscope to find out more of what’s in store for Scorpios this month.
Seeking one on one astrological guidance as you enter the month of May? I’m offering 30-minute and 1-hour astro consultations again via Zoom, and I’m also offering in-person astrological consultations in London, England from May – June 2024! Book your spot with me today. Limited availability: