Welcome to a New Moon in Gemini week, Scorpio! After the profoundly awakening energy of eclipse season, this new moon week feels like a breath of fresh air. Plus, on the 3rd, Mercury ends its retrograde. There will still be a two-week post-shadow period, but by mid-week we may notice communication issues starting to clear up, especially once we take time to set intentions with ourselves first about what we’d like to manifest in the second half of the year. Now that Mars and Jupiter are both in Aries, Scorpios are feeling more committed to their physical, spiritual, and psychological health. This means saying no to what feels burdensome or depleting, and saying yes to what truly lights you up and activates you. This week, you’re encouraged to be honest with yourself — are you living the life you truly want to live? The Gemini New Moon is the ideal opportunity to re-route or make adjustments if you know it’s time to expand your horizons or switch up your flow.

Monday and Tuesday’s Gemini Moon is ideal for ending the month on a financially savvy note. Even if you’ve had a rocky relationship with money and investments in the past, you’re encouraged to release the blockages you may feel regarding sustaining and multiplying wealth. You have the opportunity to re-create your money story, but that can only be done if you’re able to fully face the parts of your story you’d rather pretend didn’t exist… The dark-of-the-moon period still can be felt after Monday’s New Moon occurs (at 7:33am EST), so make space for both feelings of faith and doubt (Gemini duality energy) to emerge as you embark on this fresh financial chapter. Because Mercury and Pluto are both retrograde, there are cobwebs in the closet that should be cleared as a new month begins, and once we ease into the month of June you’ll start to feel yourself breathing easy due to the work you’re committing to now.

Rest is still essential for you in this post-eclipse month, Scorpio. The Moon shifts into Cancer mid-week, and if you can, try to start the month of June with as little on your plate as possible. Keep that same energy as you flow through June. Do less, speak less, and observe more. You’ll feel in a more mellow mood, despite Mars’ presence in Aries, and that’s largely due to the fact that Venus, the Planet of Love, is now in its home sign of Taurus for several weeks. “It could all be so simple,” may therefore be your motto for this week. You want to simplify so many aspects of your life, from the clothes you wear, the people you engage with and talk to, and the content that you consume. You want to feel lighter, inside and out. Venus in Taurus is here to help you do so, step by step. Let go of the dead weight, simply by deciding you will. You’ll see how much easier it is to pivot your lifestyle for the better after the Gemini New Moon strikes.

What does this all mean for you romantically, Scorpio? You’re being asked to trust your senses and tap into your body more — especially when it comes to interacting with sweet talkers, people from your past, or even yourself and what you tend to seek out from lovers, could-be-lovers, or those you once were in love with. Venus in Taurus energy is about passion, commitment, loyalty, trust, sensuality, stubbornness, and honesty. These are likely to be the traits you seek in your romantic partner(s), and while Mercury Retrograde can make it challenging to fully articulate your feelings, by this weekend, once Mercury is direct and the New Moon energy is still vibrating high, you may find the perfect words to share exactly what your intentions are romantically. The key is to release the need to know exactly how those intentions are going to pan out. Trust that the Universe has heard you loud and clear, and have fun visualizing yourself fully stepping into the *vibration* of what you want to receive… The next step? Being willing to receive what you asked for. I’ll share more on that next week 🙂

Learn more about what Jupiter and Mars in Aries energy will infuse into our love lives, careers, spiritual journeys, and more, in Scorpio’s 2022 Cosmic Guide, which is now 30% off! You’ll receive this 65+ page digital report as a PDF immediately after placing your order, and it also includes a bonus love guide for 2022 within the report. Enjoy!

I’d love for you to pre-order my upcoming astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates, which publishes Dec 6, 2022 via Running Press Book Publishers. Shoutout to everyone who’s already pre-ordered!! It’s one of the best ways to keep supporting my craft and encouraging me to share these free cosmic insights with this community. I deeply appreciate you, and I’m so excited for you to read S&S!! There’s also a mini-deck and journal that can be ordered alongside the book, to help you further explore the nuanced and layered field of astrological compatibility.