Welcome to Gemini Season, dear Scorpio! On Monday the 20th the Sun shifts out of Taurus and enters Gemini, where it illuminates your sector of intimacy, healing, and outside resources these next four weeks. This is a call to embrace renewal, rebirth, and regeneration in your life, particularly when it comes to your deepest relationships and your relationship with money. Allow yourself to tap into what you’re really feeling regarding these themes in your life, and be open to fully experiencing everything that arises within and around you — both the pleasant feelings and the uncomfortable ones. Any pains and sorrows surfacing are here to be transmuted, so hold space for this process.
On the 23rd, at 9:53AM EST, we experience the Full Moon in Sag, inviting you to relax into yourself and cultivate greater faith in what your current passions and endeavors are. Take this moment to tap into the wisdom you’ve gathered these past six months through your financial ups and downs, embracing your magical ability to experience the material world as a space of adventure and manifestation. Yes, you may have spent more than expected this past year, but with Jupiter about to enter Gemini later this week and activating your sector of generational wealth, chances are high that whatever you’ve spent will come back to you, multiplied.
Jupiter in Taurus forms its final trine (harmonious alignment) with Neptune in Pisces on the 23rd, making this week an especially dreamy and expansive one — whatever you focus on is likely to blossom beautifully by month’s end, so tap into your heart space and stay aligned with your most pressing visions during Jupiter’s final stretch in Taurus this week. Your love life is also likely to get a significant boost from this Jupiter-Neptune alignment, helping you see just how much someone special cares about you, and vice versa. Don’t be afraid of how deeply you love, Scorpio. It’s a superpower.
Venus, the Planet of Love and Money, also moves into Gemini in your sector of joint ventures and intimacy on the 23rd, followed by Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on the 25th. With both of these positive planets settling into this area of your life —Venus until June 17th and Jupiter for the next year— you’ll be reminded, in the sweetest and most expansive of ways, of how your deepest relationships thrive on clear and constant communication. Open the door to deeper exchange by putting words to your emotions, sharing them with your people, and holding space for others to share theirs. This is a period of opening yourself up to life and connection, rather than closing yourself off. The Universe is getting prepared to bless us beyond what we can envision, but in order to receive these blessings we have to face our shadows this full moon week and acknowledge ways when we’ve allowed stress, insecurities, and hardships to weigh us down and make us feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. It’s time to consciously choose to release those burdens once and for all.
Read more about Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini in your 12-page Monthly SM Forecast.
Exciting news: My first children’s book, Melanin Magic: A Young Mystic’s Guide to African Spirituality, comes out on October 15th and is now available for pre-order. I’m offering a free birth chart reading for the young mystic of your choice (including your own inner child if you’d like) to those who pre-order my book and submit their receipt before October 15, 2024. Learn more and submit your receipt here.
Curious what the next 7 months of 2024 have in store astrologically? Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide is now 40% off! Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!