Welcome to one of the most game-changing weeks of the month, Scorpio! Mercury Retrograde is officially over in the sign of Taurus, which activates our partnership sector. While we’ll continue to feel the post-shadow effects until the end of the month, you now have the green light to move forward on important travel plans, contractual negotiations, and clarifying conversations in your intimate relationships. The past three weeks had us reconsidering what we wanted from love and friendship, and also assessing our values, priorities, and behavioral patterns. Things may have gotten a bit messy in the love department, but this week you’ll start to gradually gain clarity and confidence regarding the direction you’re meant to take.
The most significant transit of this week is the fact that Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, leaves our fellow Mars-ruled sign of Aries, and enters Taurus for the next 12 months. Between now and May 2024, our relationships become more of a focal point in our lives. The Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, and the North Node are all present in our sector of marriage and commitment, and at first this energy could feel overwhelming because so many people will be orbiting around us, not only romantically, but when it comes to career opportunities too. Taurus energy, similar to Scorpio, can be highly selective, so your mission during this auspicious transit is to be more discerning of who you allow into your orbit. Not all that glitters is gold. Make sure that the people and opportunities coming your way have substance, and that you genuinely feel aligned with them and passionate about them — that’s the only way they’ll last.
These next 12 months, Scorpios who are already in a relationship could find themselves more committed to it, and single or mingling Scorpios could attract a meaningful partnership that feels like a cosmic match. The key is to pace yourself and take the slow and steady approach to getting to know someone, whether it’s a friend or a lover. Jupiter in Aries had us feeling spontaneous and daring, but we may have rushed too quickly into connections which later crashed and burned. Make it your mission to create a stable foundation first, and ideally a foundation of friendship, before delving into anything deeper. The 16th – 18th of May are the peak of the dark-of-the-moon period, so you may not feel that social or optimistic during that period of the week. But once the Taurus New Moon strikes on the 19th, your energy picks up formidably, making it an ideal time to set your new moon intentions and get clear about what you’d like the next six months of your life to feel like. The more specific you can get in your intention setting, the better. Enjoy this magical new moon week, Scorpio! “What you seek is seeking you.”
Watch the visual for my New Moon Mantra as you set your new moon intentions — it’ll help you recondition your mind to attract everything you desire with ease.
Read your monthly ScorpioMystique forecast here for more insights on what the month of May has in store for you.
Exciting news: KTZ BIRTH CHART READINGS are back! I know many of you have been waiting patiently for them to be available again, and now they are. Place your order today and you’ll receive your reading within 7 business days, as a pdf sent to your email. Thanks for the support!
Since we’re 1/4th through the year, Scorpio’s 2023 Cosmic Guide is now 25% off. Get my latest digital report with over 65 pages of insight on all the major transits of the year (including love + career transits) and how they affect Scorpio placements. Have a great week!