Scorpio, the highlight of this week is the fact that Mercury, the Planet of Communication, leaves Aries after being there for more than two months, and enters Taurus for the next three weeks. Mercury in Taurus will be a more sustainable and grounded mental experience for us, but we will notice that our focus shifts from our health and daily routines to our more intimate and passionate relationships, and this may initially catch us off guard. But at the same time, with the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all currently in our sector of partnership and marriage, we’ve had quite some time to adjust to all of this emphasis on our love lives and closest relationships. It’s just that Mercury in Taurus kicks things up a notch and asks us to get serious about how we want to consistently show up for ourselves and others, and it asks us to actually commit to doing so. Don’t just talk the talk… walk the walk. This is a supremely magical week to be alive, so tap into the cosmic abundance all around and within you.
The Moon’s entrance into Virgo mid-week further intensifies the earthy energy in the cosmos, and since Virgo energy activates our sector of friendship, social networks, and technology, chances are that the combination of Mercury in Taurus and the Virgo Moon will make us hyperaware of what we want to receive from our friendships. We may also be mourning friendship breakups that may have occurred in the past year, as Uranus’ presence in Taurus have made even our closest bonds less reliable and more unpredictable… Keep in mind that our ruler Pluto is currently retrograde in Aquarius in our sector of communication, which means we’re rehashing convos that went well and also re-evaluating the ones that may have left us feeling uncertain about where we’re going next. There’s no need to make a fixed decision just yet (even though you are a Fixed sign, just like Aquarius, Taurus, and Leo), but rather ruminate on your feelings with a sense of curiosity and self-love.
This weekend, the Moon’s shift into Libra significantly lightens things up and reminds you that you can take things breath by breath rather than trying to control every aspect of your life. This may be easier said than done though, because Libra energy does activate our sector of healing, spirituality, and closure, so even though it may be a bit easier for you to try to let things go, a part of you may also be feeling some inner resistance due to Venus’ presence in Taurus which is emotionally-heightening situations from our past or ongoing dynamics that we’re trying to untangle psychologically. Use the Libra Moon to be more open-hearted with people who you want to feel closer to… Don’t expect them to read your mind or know what’s on your heart. You’re being encouraged to practice vulnerability and transparency and to not fear what comes along with that. Embrace the infinite depths of love that exist within and around you. Remember that you are love! If you need some cosmic inspo, watch my “Love Mantra” visual.
Curious what the next 7 months of 2024 have in store astrologically? Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide is now 40% off! Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!