Happy Aquarius Full Moon week, Scorpio! This week is going to take you places you never imagined you’d be — Aquarius energy tends to be unpredictable and revolutionary in that way. The best thing you can do is go with the flow and tap into the airy energy in the cosmos right now. When you accept the fact that the majority of life is outside of your control, you’re better able to be present with what life’s here to teach and show you. That’s your full moon mission for the week, Scorpio. Are you willing to accept it? Take time to do a full moon release ritual this week — let go of the dead weight, the self-sabotage, the procrastination, and the fear of success. Write down all your inner blockages and then lovingly burn the paper, letting your hindrances disappear as the flames turn the paper into ash. Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed this week Scorpio, take a deep breath. With each breath, you are reborn.
Oh, by the way, today makes 12 years since I started ScorpioMystique on Twitter 🙂 I first created the concept of ScorpioMystique on July 31, 2011, and now 12 years later, look how much we’ve grown. Thank you for being part of this magical community and for supporting my craft as an astrologer. This is very on brand with Venus’ current retrograde through Leo, which is activating Scorpio’s sector of career and legacy. Think about where you were in your life 12 years ago, and where you are now. Which of your career goals still resonate with you? Which ones have completely taken you by surprise? And which ones do you have yet to achieve? Venus and Chiron Retrograde are here to remind you that it’s never too late to prioritize your passions, especially if you’ve been receiving recurring signs from the cosmos telling you that it’s time to do so. The Aquarius full moon on August 1st will also make it quite clear when you’ve outgrown one path in favor for another — and it’s okay if the release you feel the need to do is only a temporary one. It’s better to take a break than burn yourself out trying to maintain the status quo. Let go, Scorpio.
Romantically, this week you’re likely to fall more deeply in love with yourself rather than running after idealistic fantasies of how you expect to be loved by others. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t indulge in the attention you receive from secret or not-so-secret admirers — but it does mean you should remember that ultimately you are your own lover. That’s what Venus Retrograde wants you to ingrain in your beautiful mind. What you love about others is often a reflection of what already exists within your own self. If you’ve been seeking romantic validation outside yourself in a way that may be imbalanced, tap into the grounding energy of Mercury and Mars in Virgo to remind yourself of your own worth, while also making sure you’re not wearing rose-colored glasses and putting your desired partner(s) on a pedestal. Remember Scorpio: the one you have a crush on poops just like you. Venus Retrograde sometimes can obscure the facts and turn them into illusions, so instead of getting caught up about what others are saying, you’re encouraged to be a curious observer of how they consistently show up in the world, and in relation with you. Make sure you’re not settling for breadcrumbs, whether this is a relatively new connection, an on-and-off situationship, or a long-term relationship. It’s glow-up season.
Use retrograde season to deepen your connection with yourself and get curious about what the cosmos has in store for you. Studying your Personalized Birth Chart Reading is a great first step in doing so. I’m offering natal readings again — you can order your reading here.
Want more insights on the transformative experiences we’re going through romantically and socially? Part 4 of my Uranus in Taurus Forecast is now available! It’s a blend of a written and video report, and your order also includes Part 1, 2, and 3 of the forecast. Get your digital guide today to discover how this 5th year of Uranus in Taurus will influence our relationships. This transit’s current theme is all about learning to let go of expectations. It’ll take work, but it’s possible. Learn more in my forecast. Thank you to everyone who’s already ordered the report. Enjoy!