We’ve made it to the Lionsgate Portal week, Scorpio. But instead of immediately trying to rush to 8/8, enjoy the energy of the Leo New Moon’s magic in the days prior to 8/8, as they’re quite potent and transformative for us too. This is a time of tremendous healing, should we choose to accept tit.
This is a time of remembering our power, should we choose to remember it. This is a time to say yes to what we’ve always wanted to do, and to get closer to uniting with who we’ve always wanted to be. This is a time where our idealizations can come to life, especially if we indulge in the power of make-believe.
I want you to make-believe that whatever you’ve been wishing for most is already a reality in your life, and you have the capacity to maintain this reality for yourself, with great confidence and joy. It feels like a fun experience for you to wisely live out your dream life, but you’re also aware that it’s a responsibility to keep showing up for what you said you wanted. The Universe wants to see if you have tenacity, Scorpio. This 8/8 ascension portal is an invitation to lean into the journey of transmuting your deepest blockages into liberating sensations. You can overcome even the toughest hurdles, and you can do it more easily than you previously anticipated.
Romantically, with Venus now in Virgo for the next four weeks, you’re encouraged to form a solid base of friendship with whoever you’re dating or in a relationship with, first and foremost. Mercury’s first full week retrograde also encourages us to not rush into commitments, but rather take our time to observe how our nervous system is consistently feeling around certain individuals, while also getting curious about how our own Scorpionic energy influences those around us too.
Take time to be present in nature this week, Scorpio. Be by the water if you can, or sunbathe while laying on the grass. The more aware you are of the abundant energy in life and in nature, the more you’ll be aware of it financially, and spiritually too. I share more insights on how to make the most of the 8/8 Lionsgate Portal in Scorpio’s monthly horoscope, which you can read here.
Have a magical week. Ask and you shall receive!
PS: Today is the last day that you can receive a 20-page KTZ Compatibility Report as a bonus gift when you pre-order the paperback version of my astrological compatibility book, The Essential Signs & Skymates. In your personalized compatibility reading I’ll assess the strengths and challenges of your relationship with another skymate of your choice, to help you live an enriching and mutually satisfying connection with the help of astrology. I’m sure you’ll find this report to be super enlightening, and it could even be relationship-saving! Get your bonus reading here.