Welcome to the Aquarius Supermoon, Scorpio! The week begins with this major full moon activating our sector of roots, home, and the past. Since Mercury will be retrograde for another 9 days, we’ll be feeling more nostalgic, sleepy, and moody this week, due to a plethora of intense astrological alignments occurring at the same time. Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, which is currently in Gemini squares off (creates astrological friction) with Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, which is currently in Pisces. This can lead to an internal pressure that we feel when it comes to our collaborations, our wealth-managing skills, our love lives, and our creativity. Perhaps this week we’ll realize we’re giving way too much attention to one aspect of our lives while neglecting another, and it’s up to us to face this truth and find a healthy balance.
These final two weeks of Mars’ transit through Gemini in our merging sector is teaching us a lot about naming our needs and not biting off more than we can chew. Chances are we’ve felt overwhelmed by the different passion projects we’ve been juggling. Yes, we’re inspired and excited, but with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Mercury all retrograde right now, it may also feel like we’re treading against water and not making as much progress as we’d like. Use these final days of Leo Season to hype yourself up about the progress you’ve made since the Aquarius New Moon six months ago. Think back to the intentions you set for yourself in February 2024 — so many have come to life or are unfolding, but several plot twists also have led to you having to humble yourself and accept that life isn’t always going to pan out exactly the way you’ve envisioned it. Things might be weird and up in the air right now, and that’s okay.
With Pluto squaring off with our Scorpio nature, be aware that you’re in a period of profound rebirth right now. And Mars, our ruling planet, is aligning frictionally with Saturn this week, which could make us act in irrational ways. The best way to flow through this really tumultuous week is to maintain a sense of humor and to also move your body and spend time in nature. If you’re overly dependent on technology during this Aquarius-dominated week, you’ll burn yourself out and leave your nervous system frazzled. Fortunately the Pisces Moon on Tuesday and Wednesday will help you daydream, then the Aries Moon Wednesday through Friday will help you get out of your head and into your body. This weekend’s Taurus Moon is perfect for cuddling with a pet, partner, or blanket and letting this week’s frenetic energy melt away as you take care of your spiritual and physical needs and allow yourself to be taken care of and loved on by those who want the best for you. They are out there, Scorpio. Be courageous enough to receive the love coming your way.
Read Scorpio’s Summer ’24 Love Forecast (now 40% off since there’s 1 month left of summer) to find out what’s in store for you romantically this week as Leo Season comes to an end and we prepare to experience eclipse season in September. This digital love guide will help you heal from past wounds and let love in.