Scorpio, you’ve made it to the other side of the final Supermoon of 2022 — the Supermoon in Aquarius. Since Supermoons tend to have the effect of 10 full moons combined, chances are you’ll continue to feel the potent effects of this lunation throughout this week, even as the energy begins to wane. This full moon activated Scorpio’s sectors of roots and the home, making it essential for us to get clear about what our long-term legacy will be, at least for this decade. That doesn’t mean we suddenly need to have our 5-year plan mapped out, but it does mean that now that the Supermoon has occurred, many Scorpios are taking themselves and certain elements of their lives more seriously. There were experiences, people, and mindsets that you once tolerated or made excuses for, that you no longer have the patience or will to tolerate or excuse. And this isn’t necessarily about other people — you’re holding yourself to a higher standard of achievement when it comes to your health journey, your connections, your professional ambitions, and your spirituality.
Mid-week, the Taurus Moon has you reflecting on your love life, and on the way you give and receive love. Since we’re in the midst of Chiron Retrograde, past wounds from past lovers may be resurfacing and asking you to make space for such feelings. You may at first get frustrated by the waves of nostalgia or the triggers, but this is actually part of your healing process. Mars is in its final degrees in Taurus, in your partnership sector, which means there are some loose ends that Mars wants to tie when it comes to your relationship-mindset. The combination of the Moon, Uranus, and the North Node all in Taurus on Wednesday and Thursday is likely to make you ultra sensitive to intimacy, and you’ll want to be loved on, adored, and vice versa. If you have the opportunity to be taken care of and to take care of someone romantically, say yes, Scorpio. Don’t let your pride or ego stop you from what could be a fated connection. There’s a lot of magic occurring for us romantically this month, but we have to be open to it. I shared more about this in Scorpio’s Summer ’22 Love Forecast, which you can read here.
Everything’s shifting, and this week is significant for Scorpios because our ruler Mars is spending its final 5 days in Taurus from the 15th to the 20th, and then on the 20th Mars enters Gemini for 7 weeks! This extra-long mars transit is significant for us because it activates our sector of depth, outside resources, merging, and intimacy. Whatever connection(s) was/were formed during Mars’ six-week transit in Taurus are likely to be either revamped, redefined, or reimagined during Mars’ seven month transit in Gemini, and these connections are going to awaken you to new dimensions of yourself as a lover, friend, business partner, or creative. Scorpios at times try to resist change, but this transit will remind us that everything about life circles around change, and it can’t be avoided. Get curious about who you’re changing into and who you partner(s) may be evolving into as well. Read your monthly scope for greater insights on what Mars in Gemini means for Scorpios.
This weekend, not only will Mars shift into Gemini on the 20th, but the Moon will also be in Gemini! Ooh la la, Scorpio. Let your alter ego out at this point. Let yourself do what you’ve been meaning to do all Leo Season, but that you may have held back from. These final days of Leo Season will feel steamy and filled with creative potential, as well as fierce sexual energy. It’s important for you to get clear with yourself about how, if at all, you’d like to exert that sexual energy and who, if anyone at all, you’d like to share it with. You’re feeling more protective of your energy lately, but make sure that your self-protection doesn’t lead to you forming walls around your heart. There are still beings with pure intentions who are drawn to you, and it’s often when you keep working on trusting all versions of yourself that you’re able to trust others more easily. I share more insights on this in my astrological compatibility book, Signs & Skymates! It’s currently available for pre-order.
There are still 5 more weeks left of summer ’22 (it lasts until September 21, 2022)! And with Mars about to enter our sector of intimacy for the next 7 months, Scorpios have the potential to have jaw-dropping romantic connections this summer, and beyond. But we have to be intentional about what we want, and open to receiving it when it arrives. I’ve just dropped Scorpio’s Summer ’22 Love Forecast, a 25-page PDF that breaks down all the important love-related transits occurring this August and September 2022. Order yours and receive it immediately as a PDF upon purchase. Enjoy!!
Seriously I cannot believe how bang on all of this is for me. I don’t know when it actually hapoened but it has been within the last 2 weeks. I had a 10 month relationship break down in July, it was breaking me but I had a word with myself & said how I deal with the break up will affect my future, so I am dealing with it in a good positive way. Awaiting 2 operations, after those I have made a decision to have new adventures & a different way of life. I am in control of myself now & I feel so good.