Partnerships and relationships may be on your mind as the week begins, Scorpio. The Moon starts off in Taurus, activating our marriage sector. Now that we’re moving through the post-shadow of Mercury Retrograde, we may reflect on moments when we ghosted people or cut them off without much explanation. For many of us, it was a form of self-protection, and our reactions were valid. But if there are connections that you now see deserve closure, feel free to give yourself that closure in whatever way that may be. You can check in on someone you care for, without it having to mean that you’re going back to the way you were before. Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, is in Pisces, and this energy is helping us soften our approach to intimacy. We can set our boundaries, and still have a loving heart.
Mid-week, the Moon enters Gemini, making it a fun time to go on a date with yourself, with friends, or with potential partners. With the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Gemini, you’re getting to practice what it feels like to love and live with a spirit of healthy detachment. What does that look like for you? That may mean the awareness that you are more than the 6,000 thoughts per day that tend to float through your mind. You are more than the amount of likes you receive on your latest post, or the amount of people who subscribe to your blog. You are more than the expectations people have of you at work, or the responsibilities you may feel at home. “You are the Universe experiencing itself”, and you can be whatever you wish to be, at whatever moment you wish to be that. Release the need to know what’s next, whether it’s in your love life, your career, or your spiritual journey. Be here now, and enjoy every nuanced bit of what the present moment provides.
This weekend, the Moon shifts into Cancer, and as we approach next week’s Leo Full Moon, you may notice that your sensitivity is increasing. You may have a profound heart-to-heart with a romantic partner or close friend this weekend, which could leave you in tears. Even reading your past journals or writing your thoughts down in your current one will feel profoundly cathartic. Think back to where you were last weekend, Feb 5th and 6th, when the Aries Moon was squaring off with Pluto in Capricorn, leaving you feeling moodier, more alone, and alienated. You’re so incredibly courageous and strong, Scorpio, but you really don’t always have to be in the typical sense. Let the Cancer Moon nurture you and remind you that softness and vulnerability is also a form of strength.
Now, one week later, you’re starting to feel at home within yourself again, and less cautious of the magnitude of passion that lives within you. This weekend, find an artistic outlet for everything you’re currently experiencing — you can write and perform a monologue (even in front of the mirror in your own room will do the trick!), do yoga, go kickboxing… You are being encouraged to release pent-up emotions so that you can bask in the magnitude of your powerful light next week. You are getting increasingly closer to that sweet spot where everything you worked for, internally and externally, aligns and astounds you beyond belief. I love this for you, Scorpio!
Ask and you shall receive! Scorpio’s 2022 Cosmic Guide is now available to order! My most-popular yearly forecast dives in on the key transits for all Scorpio placements this year. Use this guide to map out your 2022 intentions, know when to shoot your shot professionally, creatively, romantically, and financially, and also know when to lay low. This digital guide includes over 60 pages of insight for Scorpios. My goal is to help you live your best life with the help of the cosmos! A Bonus Love Forecast for 2022 is included within the report. Thank you to everyone who’s already ordered the report! Enjoy, and have an amazing 2022!