The Moon is void in Aquarius for the first half of the day, making it an ideal time to tie up loose ends and clean your home and work environment, rather than trying to immediately launch into bold endeavors. Then this afternoon the Moon enters Pisces, helping soothe us after last week’s full moon, and encouraging us to be even more loving, dreamy and creative with ourselves and others. Scorpio, if you lean into the current cosmic vibes, you’ll see that so many of the answers you’ve been seeking already exist within you. The more you tune into yourself and the depths of your intuitive awareness, the more you’ll know exactly what your next steps should be. The Capricorn Full Moon helped us turn the page on self-sabotaging tendencies. You’re being gifted a fresh start, one that leads directly to the manifestation of your deepest dreams. You’re the only one who can take that first step though, Scorpio. When you’re ready, or even before you’re fully ready, take it.