Today’s a great day to set your new moon intentions if you haven’t yet, Scorpio. You may be in the mood for a mid-month check-in with yourself, particularly as we approach the Scorpio full moon taking place April 26th. With the Moon harmonizing with Pluto and then entering Gemini today, a more light-hearted approach to tracking your progress is recommended. Instead of focusing on how many items you’ve crossed off your to-do list, ask yourself how many times you’ve laughed this week, or how many times you’ve allowed yourself to cry or be vulnerable. Have you taken a nap or daydreamed just because you wanted to? How often have you flirted, danced, and let your imagination run wild? This new moon week is all about letting your inner child take the lead as they show you just how magical life is when you are fully present and aware that you’re the magician. Abracadabra, baby.