Happy New Year’s Eve, Scorpio! The Moon enters Leo today, and this is exactly the vibe we need to round out a wild year like 2020. Now that the vibes from the sensitive Cancer Full Moon are waning, the Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Leo remind us just how much we’re powerhouses with the power to bounce back, have fun, and persevere. Venus’ presence in Sagittarius can help us find creative ways to celebrate the start of a new chapter in our lives, infusing us with a spirit of optimism, even if there are still many practical details to attend to. Scorpio, today’s energy will feel like a blend of reflection, passion and boldness. Our ruler Mars is now in its final 7 days in Aries, after being there for six months. You can tell that you’ve experienced a spiritual and metaphysical upgrade, and that it’s just the beginning. Enjoy your rebirth!