Scorpio and Cancer interact on a highly intuitive and subjective level. They often understand what each other wants or needs based on the way they look at one another. Many unspoken vibes are shared between them both, emotionally strengthening their relationship. Cancer appreciates Scorpio’s loyalty, dependability, and commitment to the partnership. Cancer is able to understand Scorpio’s deep need for privacy, and is always there for them to return to after periods of isolation. Cancer seeks a strong and reliable partner to spill their secrets to, and Cancer often feels as though they have found one in Scorpio.
Scorpio loves the fact that Cancer is a shelter they can always turn to — a spiritual haven. Cancer is tied to domesticity and their home. Cancer loves making their home comfortable, warm, and welcoming for Scorpio. Their family, friends and loved ones are Cancer’s utmost priority. Cancer will often put Scorpio’s needs above their own, and is an excellent counselor. Cancer has a selfless heart and is naturally willing to help Scorpio during their most challenging moments.
As Water signs, both of Scorpio and Cancer bond very intensely to those they love. They can be very controlling, particularly Scorpio. Luckily in this case, neither Scorpio nor Cancer are likely to be turned-off by this behavior because they both openly exhibit it. Cancer and Scorpio feel comforted knowing that their partner is as emotionally attached as they are. Cancer is prone to being more moody than Scorpio. Although Scorpio is understanding, she can also be confused by Cancer’s sudden shifts in mood, and Scorpio may lose their patience with Cancer.
Scorpio is more willing to express the complete extremes of their passionate emotions. That means when Cancer gets offended or hurt they may become angry or aggressive. Cancer has a much more passive-aggressive response when they feel frustrated — they tend to withdraw into his shell. Cancer is so intuitive that they can often sense when something is wrong with Scorpio, even if Scorpio does not outwardly express it to Cancer. This makes Scorpio feel understood in a world where they are so often misunderstood.
Want to learn more about how these zodiac placements are as friends, colleagues, family members, and frenemies?
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This is me and my man to a tee. He is a true blessing to my life and this is spot on. I read your horoscopes on IG everyday for over a year but first time visiting the site! Keep soaring scorpio!
This is me and my cancer guy. COMPLETELY!
I am a Scorpio with a Cancer Ex I have a lot of water in my sign and am very intuitive. My cancer ex was so sensitive and you would have thought that would have been me. I couldn’t take it and had to end it….I love your site I refer to you instagram posts everyday : )
I’m a Scorpio , Pisces moon. So I know I’m naturally emotional and intuitive. But my husband is a cancer and his emotions are self sabotaging and sociopathic. It’s not good. Reading these makes me feel like I’m not crazy,
Do u miss her now? . Will u give her a second chance if possible
I love being with Cancers. I feel like we are so compatible with us both being water signs. My current partner is so sensitive and sometimes I come across as mean to him since I’m so blunt and honest, but he appreciates my honesty. He tells me often, that he loves the fact that I’m a Scorpio because we are so comfortable around each other, it’s like it’s meant to be. I find that I am mostly compatible with Cancers and I’m so happy when I’m with one.
Undyingly in love with a cancer!
Unfortunately i met a cancer. Who acted alot more like a leo/aries. Very selfish what a Shame 🙁
he/she might be a cancer cusp, means that he/she would display both cancer and leo attribute.
Not everything is about sun sign. There’s so much to ones chart that could speak for those more negative attributes
Everything about this screams me and my girlfriend, except she is the one who becomes passive-aggressive, and goes into her shell, I’m a Cancer, she is a Scorpio.
Spot on! There is no other sign I’d rather date
I have a Cancer Sun and ascendant, and a Scorpio moon so I definitely exhibit characteristics from both signs..
Though my ex was a Scorpio/Virgo/Taurus , and as much I loved certain things about him, his darker side made it painfully obvious I couldn’t do it anymore.
I love Scorpio’s for the most part, but I feel the lying and secrecy is too much. Trust is the most important thing for me and when I catch someone lying to my face , I can’t help that I’ll never look at them the same. =\
I have the exact same planetary placements as you! Cancer sun/rising with a Scorpio moon, and I too exhibit both behaviors described above.
I am a cancer n just recently started dating a scorpio an so far its awesome
Is Scorpion better off with Pieces than with Cancer? I feel that the controlling and aggressive part of Scorpions can only be curbed by Pieces’ compassionate nature.
The whole world knows that Scorpio-Cancer r soulmates… definitely it’s Cancer ????????????
Damn true 💞
They are like two peas in a pod
Love this! I’ve been wondering the same.
I’m a Scorpio with a cancer. Married. And we connect on the really dark emotional level and are able to understand each other like no one else does but there’s also zero adventure or hope of life. I live that cancer is a matriarch and home body / mamas boy but I don’t want a Romeo and Juliet story. I want someone who’s willing to live and dream with me, not settle and binge and cuddle with. He’s so emotionally sabotaging that it’s become resentful. I think we have reached the point if no return.
When I read this, I’m more into my scorpio crush. Although, he doesn’t tell me about his feelings but I can sense he likes me too. And I’m a cancerian 🙂
I’m a 30yr cancer virgin male, and I have meet the Scorpio woman of my dreams -.-
I’m a male Scorpio and I’ve been with my first cancer woman for the past 3 years and I’m head over heels enthralled in every aspect of her being psychological, physical, emotional, deeply passionate and sexual. I find my peace with her the love always feels new. she can do no wrong!
Am cancerian and was with a Scorpio for yrs everything was perfect but now I just don’t know what went wrong and he has ended up with a Virgo so it’s hard for me to believe in all this
Chances are your Scorpio had more Earth elements in his chart. More than water or an equal amount. I’m a Scorpio who has always had a soft spot for earth signs. I find them beautiful neat and just compelling. I’ve dated two cancers in my life. Both with the same birthday. Neither one worked out. The one in my younger years taught me to curb my stinger. The older one taught me to be true to myself. We just didn’t mesh well at all. We didn’t think alike, had problems communicating. He was the controlling one. He also couldn’t relate to me mentally or emotionally. The physical relationship was great but the constant fighting was irritating and he was condescending toward me. I can go on but because I have an equal amount of earth and water in my chart I need a balance. I have a Capricorn moon and Venus in Virgo. Need I say more? Anyway the Capricorn and I met a few weeks after that relationship and we get along so much better. We think alot alike and our emotional attachment is there. I guess what they say about Scorpios and Caps are true. Oh yes and if he broke up with you he may love you but not romantically. There has to be a balance of romance and practicality for Scorpios to completely engage. We like to use both our hearts and heads in relationships.
I love your comment Brandy, although water signs are assumed to be affectionate with each other it’s not always so. I guess it depends on the elements of the birth chart.On the contrary I find through my experience Cancer’s tend to be frivolous like in it only for the ride and very insensitive to the Scorpio needs for love and intimacy.
I can confirm
This. I am a Scorpio married to a cancer. But i was dating a Capricorn before I married the cancer. I thought he understood me on so many
Levels that I had never had in a relationship before but hind sight is 20/20. I miss the earthly elements to the Capricorn that Helped balance me. I’m a Scorpio sun, Aries rising, Pisces moon. I am very intense and emotional. Need someone to balance me out , not emulate my already existing qualities.
My experience with a cancer has been tumultuous and all encompassing , almost smothering. I miss finding joy in life and being adventurous as much as we stay home and nest. The cancer is way too much of a homebody. Is not open minded and cannot talk about things without being defensive. Then gaslights you to make you the one in the wrong. Creating room for you to build resentment and anxiety. Not a good situation for anyone.
I feel in love with a Scorpio she drives me crazy with all her confusion, but I still deal with her because I love her. She makes me feel like I can’t love another girl I’m a cancer male
I am a Cancer sun and Capricorn Moon and my boyfriend is a Scorpio sun and Virgo moon. We have been together for over a year and honestly one of the best relationships I’ve ever been in. Sometimes we get in predicaments where is is extreamly too blunt and he does hurt me. But I always know he will apologize even though he doesn’t understand a cancer’s sensitivity. We both though stubborn are forgiving despite his tendency to grudge hold. He always can forgive me after a disagreement. But the connection we have is something magical and comforting. We live together now and it’s like I found my soulmate. And we fell so fast it took us a week and a half to admit we were feeing things for each other that we had not felt before. Crazy. Lol
I’m a female cancer with Capricorn moon and my boyfriend is a Scorpio male with Virgo moon, it’s so crazy that there similar 😂, we’re both on the younger side were still in our teen years, he’s 18 I’m 17 but so far we have had a lot of arguments half our 2 months leading up to 3 months, he’s very closed about his emotions but he has cried in front of me before due to him losing some type of feeling towards me in the second month, and it hurt me and we both cried, I begged him to stay because I knew we could make it work I had hope but he was going back and forth saying he didn’t know what he wanted because I asked him if he did want to stay with me or not but he said he didn’t know, but we did spend a lot of time together before that , almost every weekend and it was amazing and fun and very playful, he’s always had a hard time with communicating his needs, due To things that happened to him as a child, but he told me that me being to sexual with him or touching him all the time he didn’t like at all, and me thinking that is what he wanted but didn’t, it was sad because Im mostly closed off to vulnerability and love and affection it was hard to open up like that but I did in the third month and he seemed to like that and said he felt like this feelings that were lost were coming back, it’s hard to believe him now tho, btw we did try to stay together because that’s what he chose and now here I am, I can be very open and outgoing and my humor does bother him, it definitely seems like he’s hyper sensitive about everything but when I’m with him I feel very comfortable and feel like opening up and I know he feels the same because he does open up to me sometimes but it’s like he restrains some part of himself towards me and I don’t know why
Im a Scorpio chick n I have a Cancer male n yes its a challenge but if you take the time to mbalance the relationship n know your partner it works out..Yea my Cancer had an affair with a Virgo but it didn’t last..Virgos aren’t strong enough to handle a Cancer so of course husbands don’t live their wives n now its been @ 2 1/2 yrs 3 babies later..Once you go Scorpio yu don’t want no mo’
What do you mean ? Lol did the cancer make leave his Virgo wife and got with you? Or are you the wife?
My best friend is a Scorpio. She constantly enjoys describing the details of her life yet doesn’t take the time to reciprocate. I don’t get to share an opinion that differs because anything that goes against her opinion is wrong or she takes it as an attack. Then it’s hell in a handbasket with retaliation. I do not know how Scorpio and Cancer can work with one another when the shit hits the fan it’s hell. Even responding with compliments is condescending to her. I’d say the friendship is unretrievably broken due to her inability to move on. I’m in my 40’s. There’s no time for that drama. Stubborn Scorpio.
I just fell in love with a Scorpio. I’m a Cancer woman who is 46 years old. I have never been with a Scorpio, but let me tell you. He is amazing and I feel this gravitational pull towards him. I have never felt so much and love how comfortable I am around him. The feelings are mutual from him. I say this match is perfect for us. I always feel safe and secure and I want to share all my love with him. Its just amazing. This was spot on accurate.
I just love my Scorpio man. This is so true. He drives me crazy at times so do I. But I know we truly love each other. It’s a continuous growth. Everything is so genuine and true.
Recently found my long lost, long time, childhood best friend/ crush. She’s a Scorpio and I’m a cancer. I have formed few strong emotional bonds in my life. The bond she And I have had since 13 or so, blows my mind! Now I understand why a little better. Decided I’d look up compatability because things are turning more romantic and my cancer-ness is getting all mushy. So, Ooooohh, ooookaay.
Thanks, I’m going all in! CANCER STYLE
I have the biggest crush on a cancer women and I’m a Scorpio man. Everything this says is true. Although we haven’t dated or talked on an intimate level yet, everyday I see her we look at each other and I can feel the attraction in my heart. It’s just the way she looks at me that I can feel that she has some type of feelings for me as well and just as it says above Scorpio and cancer connect without even saying words. What’s even more weird is that even when I’m not around her I feel in my heart that she’s thinking about me. I can tell she’s shy so I’ll just take it slow because even though I’m anxious to see what could be between us I don’t want to come on too strong to a point that might scare her and make retreat into her shell.
God this makes me cry! I’m a water-dominant Cancer Sun/Taurus Rising/Pisces Moon/Cancer Venus/Scorpio Descendant and I had that connection with my good Scorpio friend of 7 years, and yes it was completely unspoken. Sometimes, it’d just be him or I kicking each other’s foot — which really sounds dorky when you say it out loud — but it was THERE. It was comforting and warm. Definitely in the look. I miss him so much and that thing we had when we were together. I tried to take it to the next level though and he couldn’t commit. Broke my heart to pieces. He told one of our other friends that he didn’t want to MARRY me. At least that’s the way the friend made it sound. I stopped talking to my Scorpio friend after that, I couldn’t believe he didn’t actually have romantic feelings for me. We’d been doing our cute little flirty dance tirade for our entire friendship! After digging a little deeper though I’ve concluded that he’s a very confused Scorpio. He has a Gemini moon and a Libra Venus. In fact, his sun sign and mercury sign are the only Scorpio’s in there. Looks like a Scorpio, talks like a Scorpio but deep down feels and walks like an Air Sign. Wish I’d have known sooner.
Omg help I’m a cancer women and this Scorpio guy basically hunted me down after I left my job and he seen no trace of me any longer he found me on FB and demanded I hung out with him and at first he seemed so into me we had deep convos and we were intamate…but all of a sudden he stopped texting me ..coming to pick me up and ect he seem as though he lost interest but I don’t know why we had so much fun together and we connected im..maybe I should stop texting him so much and calling and he will come back to me …..any comments of whats going on did I do something wrong ..I feel like im chasing him
They are known for their disappearing acts. Don’t take it personal. It could be that he’s playing games or he needs space to recollect. I dunno, but love yourself.
I’m still trying to get used to my Cancer BF. His mood swings throw me off completely. I think this post helped a bit.
I am a Scorpio woman and I dated a cancer man, and the chemistry we had was instant. Of course we both were unsure at first if it was a real true connection but after time and patience our love grew for one another. For me he is very very challenging a lot due to his moody ways. Of time I have learned to be patient and still welcoming to him when he comes out his shell. Over all the relationship is great and refreshing:)
My fiancé, my one true love is a Cancer. We bonded from the very first day we met and have never parted ways. My Cancer is extremely loyal and understanding to my needs we have a bond that cannot be explained in words. Our relationship hasn’t been perfect but when things break we fix them and move forward/ I’ve dated many signs but Cancer takes the cake for me I’m so ready to spend forever with my lover and best friend
Im so in love with a cancer man..Im a scorpio woman we began an instant attraction..but he was in an on an off relationship , with another woman. .I believe he had a piece of his heart with me , thats why he parted his ways with her….We parted ways after a one year in an on an off relationship, and he got involved with another woman..He is somewhat selfish , when he knows he won your heart.after a two year seperation and his rebound crelation..we have connected, I feel his passion more now!!! I feel he truly missed me..but we also i believe may be soul mates.. Them two years of. me crying was hard and im sure he was feeling less emotional but missed me We have a spiritual connection..and have we now have a stronger bond. remember Cancer man like their own time and if we love him we should understand he will not cheat inlesw given their r downfalls of commitment in these two signs..But im gonna keep him around .. playing my deck ..he will always return bcsc we make him feel oives somewhat like a king..Also he will always know when we have been dishonest and we also can make him walk away, but make sure he we have his heart.??MOODY MEN
I’m a Scorpio woman and I met the Cancer man of my dreams!!! He’s had a lot of stress and struggling for the past 10 months. We haven’t even gone out yet, but he asked me out before all this trouble he has experienced. He is independent especially since he’s been so stressed out. I know at the deepest center of my being that he’s who I’ve wanted forever. We share eye contact and it’s like the rest of the world disappears. I want to tell him so much that I’m deeply and madly in love with him – I think he is, too. I’ve lost 100 pounds and I am still trying to lose more – he’s a gorgeous and handsome bodybuilder. He’s also absolutely brilliant and heart-melting sweet. So what we have transcends the superficial. I’m not saying that I’m unfortunate in looks but my body is not perfect but he looks at me like I’m the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. He’s poetic and he wrote on his Facebook without saying a name that he’d waited a number of days – it was for our date… it was that EXACT number of days between when he posted it and the day he asked me out. I want him for the rest of my life.
I’m a scorpio male and I’m with a cancerian and she is the most sexiest thing in the world I’m happy to be with her she’s sweet, sensitive, funny, and sexy. I LOVE CANCERIANS!!!❤️❤️❤️?
I am scorpio women, inlove in cancer man. I did something saying words that hurt him by doubt and mistrust. I tried sincerely apologize and gives him space for awhile. Hes confusing and tells me he wanted to finish it what we have but he wanted me still to message him and he let me know that he was here for few days in my country. Does it mean he says like its over but deep inside he wants me to please him? Thanks for help…
my boyfriend is a cancer (5th july) nd m scorpio (nov 2)… we are new to relationship .. ….we hav some common nature… honesty, loyality,family person,trying to give time each other….some differences he is adventerous…m dull… he likes…i have small world, my family, him , his family nd few frends??….. he understands me very well…. yea little bit of mood swings is something i need to understand… nd i need to understand he forgets everything while in work….. he is passionate lover and more physical….he liked to touch, few flirts , likes to kiss…. he is confident and at times become shy….it all depends on his mental status… nd i need to understand it…. he wants my future stable….he wants me to achieve high…. i also dont want to depend on him so we are working and doing well in our jobs…inshallah we will marry within 2 years… hope our relationship goes very well ..we r lucky both of our family members are very happy with our realationship…. i love him more every day…. ??
well cancer nd scorpio compatibilty is very good i think…. thing is cancer is cautious because of trust issue nd checks u everytime… nd we scorpio are highly loyal… nd cancerians like that…. scorpio should try to open bit nd should always keep in mind that their lover is little sensitive…. nd cancer is good in balancing everything friens family love… but sometimes they forget everything while in work ( they are sincere workers)… forgets family nd lover for friens while at work….we scorpio wants cancer to be with us in our precious moments…..
To the scorpio who is in a newly 1 mo. relationship with a cancer gal and thinks she is rude and cold shouldered…she’s not! She is going to qualify you before she allows her heart to get involved! This is her strong suit…a proving ground because cancer women can not get the man of their dreams everyday – we must mate for life long love affair reasons only! Scorpios are our best of the best match to help us with inner challenges that we can not receive from other guys. In fact…slow mo the while thing & see if you do not get a better response as she may be thinking that the fast paced efforts are desperation & she wants a lover who is in for the long haul not a one not stand heart breaker because she will break – I mean for real! I am a cancer woman!
Im in a 1 month relationship with a cancer girl she’s 25 im 28 .. i dont know what to expect of this .. i like her and im getting atached im thinking she is not that attached to me because there is a kind of distance. When we are just the 2 of us it’s all perfect .. but when we arent seeing eachotge and we talk on social media she is so arogant and distant never calls … dont get me wrong i like that she gives me space and that she keeps her distance but that paranoic nature makes me wonder in fear of not loseing my time and emotions to nothing … maybe an opinion from team scorpio or some cancerians passing by .. it wold be wonderful .. Thank you in advance Team …
I am a cancer woman who is able to interact in an atmopheric location with my scorpio male. From day 1 – it was like I could read his mind. He seems to be moving towards me and the beautiful protective unspoken caring attatment thing is going on! I can clearly see awesomeness ahead for us if this keeps up. He is so sexy & smart – caring & very detail oriented. Every chance to experience something new & learn a bit more, a piece of the puzzle is so rewarding…will he ask me to marry him on bended knee – I sure hope – & when he kisses me after I say my wedding vow ” I do” they will have to call 911 to peel me up off the floor!
I’m a Scorpio who has fallen deeply emotionally invested in a cancer man. Deeply because I love talking to him but we tried to have sex a couple of times and it didn’t work out in my favor which made me distance myself from him for a bit because I was disappointed, annoyed and mad. I like him though a lot more than I should and I cannot seem to wrap my mind around it or get over him.
My problem is, I think when I was getting close to him he was talking to another girl and he distanced himself from her to talk to me. I thought we were just talking as friends but then we tried and I was disappointed of his performance and I just stopped talking to him. That caused him to retreat and go back to the other girl he was talking to and now I’m fucked and I want something but I can’t do anything. He’s cancer born July 22 so that’s like transitioning sign. Sorry not big on the horoscope talk but all I gotta say is: I wish he would give me another chance.
I have been dating my cancer man for 2 months now and we had the same sexual rocky start. I (a scorpio woman) was very disappointed the first few times. BUT let me tell you. Cancer’s are so sensitive and in-tune. Every time we are intimate he gets better and better. Two months later he is my favorite lover I have had.
So technically he’s leo, lol. Well im Scorpio and my performances never fail ???? plus women seem to be attached with me waaay to quick…. ????
I’m a Scorpio who has fallen deeply emotionally invested in a cancer man. Deeply because I love talking to him but we tried to have sex a couple of times and it didn’t work out in my favor which made me distance myself from him for a bit because I was disappointed, annoyed and mad. I like him though a lot more than I should and I cannot seem to wrap my mind around it or get over him.
My problem is, I think when I was getting close to him he was talking to another girl and he distanced himself from her to talk to me. I thought we were just talking as friends but then we tried and I was disappointed of his performance. That caused him to retreat and go back to the other girl he was talking to and now I’m fucked. I like him and I want something but I’m trying so hard to accept that it’s a fail now and I just gotta move on. I just want him to give me another chance
I’m a cancer woman in love with a scorpio male. Lady’s I don’t no what to say or do. Some many deeply felt incanter then he distance himself. The pain is unbearable then he is back. Four years now and counting. I believe I deserve much more than he is willing to give.
im a cancer woman who is madly in love with a scorpio woman. im so crazy for her. we had it LDR and Im longing for her…:(
Scorpio woman bonded and madly in love with my bestfriend the Cancer man. We met through mutual friends online. Had a friendship for 7yrs. Oct 2016 we met for the first time ever, it was absolutely amazing we road around the city talked all night aaand we agreed to have sex. We’ve been bonded every since then. Its been 2 years of us connecting spending time with eachother becoming one. Ive recently noticed that he seems to close himself off from me if i get a little mushy or if i snap at him for not calling or texting me back. It will be times when we seperate and ill tell him to leave me alone and hrs later he’s at my doorstep making peace. Or we will separate and he will call me a few days later and ask me am i done and we are right back where we left off..Sometimes i can tell that he loves me but then i cant. Is he standoffish because of him having his heart broken twice before me?? What can i do to fix it. I love him and eventually want to spend the rest of my life with him but his mood swings urk me soooo bad but i dont want to lose him.. what am i to do.. ??? Please help!
I’m a double Scorpio! My ex Pisces n Taurus cheated on me screw them! Now I have my eye On a cute quiet caring trust worthy sexy moon child. I will make this cancerian MINE. She will submit n obey ME. I’m gonna go stalk her on fb now bye
Cancer chick who has been seriously digging a Scorpio guy here. This comment is adorable. I hope you get her. I’m dying to have my Scorpio boy.
How sweet of ya, wish my 🦂 hunting me right this moment
I’m a Scorpio girl,
I met my cancer man in January of 2016, I feel so much in love with him deeply, he accepted the fact I had a downs syndrome son well..we would of been together for almost year til his female companion a friend came binto the picture well he broke up with me last year in February 2wks after Valentine’s….he told me I was mistake and a accident to be with, I was heart broken when he told me this, … I still have feelings for him …..and I don’t know what to do….it feel like h regrets of letting me go….I’m confused by his choice
I just know I need some Scorpio in my life. 6/25/1997
I dare them to match my own water tendencies!
Cancer sun/Pisces Moon/ Cancer Venus/Taurus Rising
I met a cancer about two weeks ago and he’s like a dream. He is like home to me and I’m so shamelessly head over heels for him. I’m a Scorpio sun and Aquarius ascendant. I really hope it all goes well coz I’m willing to do everything to keep this man. Is two weeks too soon to feel like you’ve known him forever and suddenly it’s bleak without him around? I know nor care not because maybe it’s beyond zodiacs and compatibility. I feel like I found my soulmate.
Btw how do you find, a blabla in your sun or moon, or ascendant?
Any cancerian women here willing to give a Scorpio man 24 a good shot? Lol.
Kisses from London
Just a thought of obeying a 🦂 gives me chills. No clue when the ♏ will make me queen of his heart and slave of his harem
Well, I’m CANCER woman and guess one of those 5% unfortunate people who just got turned down by Scorpion MAN. Forget turned down I’m friendzoned by him Lol…. Trust me its very heartbreaking. Its not only from this site but from many online astro compatibility I saw Scorps and Cancers are together. With my case bad luck to me.
I still hate one thing about him, he forced me to confess my feelings for him just to get that rejectiin that is more worse.
All those invisible connections the understanding, reading each other was just for the sake because we could feel it but feelings werent mutual and why not maybe because he got SCORPIO female with him. Well I guess here it is where in any chance Cancer will never be able to win a scorpio over another scorpio. It still hurt. I m distancing myself from him.
I’m a cancer woman 58yrs old. I met my Scorpio man 60yrs old 2 months ago and and everything you said is true. He spills his guts out to me. He strong, courageous, fixed and knows who he is period. And the love making is on point. I’m truly glad I met him in this time in my life. This is it for me he’s my soulmate. Real Reel talk .
Well, I must be one of those unlucky (male) Cancerians then! I get along easily with Pisces, but actually know very few women born under this sign and never felt any urge to do anything more than befriend them. Those friendships form easily and I find them cool.
Scorpio, it’s another story altogether. I’ve felt strongly attracted to 3 girls in my life (at different times, not all at once) and EACH of them was Scorpio. They did not have to pull off any special tricks to give me that feeling: it just happened, in a way it never does with women from other signs. In those moments I feel as though sparks fly, but in a totally one-sided way… and that one side is mine! The girls I am speaking of were as friendly as could be, but seemed totally oblivious to the fact that I was trying to get their attention, blissfully unaware of the feelings they were eliciting in me!
I don’t personally know any Cancer women either. So it seems I’m a bound to be a sucker for a Scorpio! I always find them to be so mysterious and elusive, you can almost sense that they experience their emotions very intensely but do not give away that much, except with people they truly trust. The beauty and depth of emotion you will find in their eyes, there is nothing like it.
Of those 3 girls there was one I loved more (and longer) than the others. We bumped into each other again recently after 12 years of not seeing. I realized quickly enough that I still had strong feelings for her. She is totally different from any other girl I know, brave and smart with a golden heart, has carved out her own path in life without bothering needlessly over what others think or say of her. Beyond my unrequited feelings, she is a person I have the deepest admiration for, one of the few I have been able to look up to in my life, one of the few who has not been a let-down.
Also loneliness does not bother me much, I feel comfortable enough navigating life on my own. She was the only one who made me think that maybe I should consider changing my stance. I do not think I’ll be able to feel any similar connection with a woman born under another sign.
@NB I hope you didn’t give up on that Scorpio girl you like. Scorpio women love men who are upfront about what they want and who are willing to go after it. You start by suggesting a date. Don’t ask her, suggest it to her, like, How about we go xyz. You have to be forward with us because Scorpios may be emotionally intuitive but we prefer the man to be upfront about what they want. We like them to be persistent even if we say no. Scorpio women have a hard time trusting, even their intuitive nature at times. Sometimes she can like you but keep it to herself because she prefer you to state your intention.
Female (diehard) Scorpio here, surprisingly attracted to my first Cancer, also female; of all places, at work! I know: I should know better. Its only a handful of us in this office and I catch her looks and stares, so obviously she must be thinking the same about me. I really do try to NOT look, but when I decide to sneak a furtive glance Im drawn right into her liquid, smoldering brown eyes..its nirvana for my soul. Then comes her smile, and mine in return at times as confident as hers..lately tho mine feels a bit half-cocked, tho Im still feeling her. But I have to be careful, we’re at work and other female eyes and ears in the office are tuned the hell in! Our conversations are smooth, lighthearted, fun, playful & supportive. I know she has a BF but shes very private about him. For Valentine’s Day, in the office, we all got candy from her. Everyone else’s candy had messages on them like U Rock, Hug Me and to her bestie, Luv U. Mine said Be Mine.
Like I said, no woman like this Cancer has ever drawn me in so much with her eyes and sexy smile except for a past Scorpio Ex.
I just started the job 6 wks ago so Im sure i am as much a surprise to her as she is to me. She is captivatingly stunning to look at..true eye candy. But we will likely have a long work history together, so I have to be cooool, until one of us gets brave enuf to give a nudge and say to the other, Was’ really going on?? I anticipate when we all get together for after work cocktails..sumn will happen, sumn will be said.
All u Cancer females out there who are reading this (and any other kindhearted believer), say a prayer for me for strength, courage and whatever else you’d like. Thank you Author for allowing us to share experiences of Love.
Hey well I wish you the best . Im currently trying to impress and get a first date with a Scorpio women , one of the hardest challenges ever. Hopefully for both of us its worth it ! good luck!
Man I hope it worked out for you two
i’ve been with my first male cancer (female scorpio) only were dating casually for two months but i am completely in love with him but i was to afraid to tell him, and he doesn’t want a relationship so things have ended and i feel so empty like i lost a part of me. he said the future and you’re live today made me think when were ready because i never felt this in my soul before. help
Scorpio woman here. My experiences with Cancer men have been lackluster. Never was able to connect with them on a deep and personal level. At best, I can have cordial relationships with them in a professional setting. Otherwise, I find them way too sneaky, ultra-sensitive, and manipulative. Also can’t deal with their gossipy ways.
I am a Scorpio with HEAVY fire and air influences, so I think that affects my ability to connect with my fellow water sign.
Cancer women: On a platonic level, I get along well with Cancer/Leo and some Cancers born in June. All other Cancers… go.
i’m a scorpio man who lived with a cancer woman for many years
things ere good at first but within the last 3 years she has slept with at least 25 different men and still coming home to me quietly
don’t know about other people but I can never trust a cancer again
Ugh as A Scorpio woman Andrew, I can tell you that 25 different men means she’s not getting something she needs from you and it means she’s most likely checked out of the relationship emotionally but still is attached. As Scorpios we need an emotional and physical attachment to someone. I don’t think Cancers are that way. I think they only need the physical attachment to stay in a relationship. If it’s been three years, your best bet is to end the relationship because although she will fight tooth and nail for it, it won’t be because she’s emotionally invested but because she’s physically invested. Cancers invest physically and then emotionally and then up the commitment levels with time. If it comes to a point where they are not willing to invest anymore emotionally, for Scorpios that’s a death nail. It’s all or nothing with us and you know infidelity ranks high on the list. A true test of Cancers love, loyalty and Devotion to a relationship is their physical affection. Fidelity. She doesn’t have the heart to tell you. You should confront her.
First wrote on Feb 20. Update. Vibe btwn me and Cancer female is still bang hot. Ive learned to cool my jets and have watched her ebb closer and closer to me.. emotionally and yes, physically. She lets me know all the time she has my back. I was there to comfort her when she’s broken down and cried over work pressures. It was meaningful. I wanted to be there for her in a non-judgmental and supportive way because shes very special and deserves no less. Does this woman know how much I want her? Probably. But, if so, im not the only one with secrets hidden in plain site. If we Scorpios are anything we’re very intuitive, and I dare say, this beautiful, sensual Cancerian wants me too. But shes “straight” with a boyfriend (who is not too emotionally aware of her needs, so she drops to me in hints) and shy. Not to mention we’re coworkers. Sooo..I will continue to be cool and smart about this attraction because my observations are: the more I remain so, the more our relationship as friends/confidantes grows into something soothing, relevant and fun in both our lives. Even if it remains unrequited, I am satisfied bc we’ve already “made love” with our eyes & 3am thoughts. However, there is a saying: Scorpio females always get the thing they’re after, and reflecting on my past this is truth. Cool. Smart. Aloof yet Dependable. Funny as hell. Exotic = Stinger cocked-and-ready Scorpio aimed right @ this fine a** Cancer.
I’m 57 cancer woman and have just met my first Scorpio man who’s 54 … I have never experienced anything like this powerful emotional strong man who knows who he is … we have been dating for 2 months, he does not talk a lot, he does not ask me any questions about myself .. he does work nights and has diabetes type 2 he always tells me to be quiet (as I love talking ) we have been together every weekend and he makes me feel relaxed, but I’m so frustrated with how slow things are going and. I want him to talk to me, so we can start to build a relationship …. am I totally wrong to be with this man …. he says he thinks a lot of me, but he just makes me feel I’m ok for the weekend and when I go that’s it, as he does not communicate all week other than short text messages or an emoji … I have always been able to talk with my other partners … I think that he’s worth waiting for … but I think he’s not really into me (that’s how he makes me feel) and I’m confused as to what to do next …
Hi Deborah here 7.jan .update
Sooooo glad I waited a bit longer had an amazing weekend and my Scorpio turned soft and loving … caught me off guard, and I could not stop smiling to myself. What a beautiful feeling he gave me, never felt like this before .. I will make sure I have more patients and keep quite, let him be himself xxx
Update … Deborah – Jan 14th
5 months in and still going strong … with lockdown and the virus I can not see him , as I thought it best and work in hospital x But last night I got drunk and told him I loved him, I have been wanting to tell him for months . He never says anything to me, but when I asked him if I gave him my heart would he look after it, and he said yes. I really hope Scorpio men only say something special like I love you … if they really do mean it … and I am prepared to wait to see if he will say it by Christmas xx because if he does not say it by then , I don’t think he does. He must know by then ….. I am a very insecure Cancer Woman , but I love being a Cancerian I love who I am, but come across a bit nutty .. which I love about my self too xxx lol
I’m a Cancer. My Lover was a Scorpio. We separated because of our effective communication and trust issues. We both played apart in this affair. I think the Scorpio still loves me and away because of the emotional balance of his feelings being crushed. Do we need time apart to regain our thoughts? She would sit down and have a 100% everything on the table real talk? Should we just move on and keep it pushing? Huh, IDK!
I’m a Scorpio woman (10/31) talking to a Cancer man (7/7). I’m so excited about our growing relationship! Even though he is very moody and very jealous. I feel like I’m constantly kissing his booboos. But I like him so much I don’t mind right now… I’m just afraid it might get old. Sex is amazing tho! Maybe if he keeps it up I’ll continue to stroke his ego lol. Reading all these posts gives me hope that things will work out for us. I was worried about him talking to someone else but he told me I don’t ever have to worry about that so I’m going to trust him. I think that’s something us Scorpios need to work on. Not everyone is out to get us! I’m gonna trust this one…
Cancer man here with Cancer Moon and Libra Ascendant. One of my best friends in life is a Scorpio woman, we know each other for 15years.
The last year, we’ve been talking about taking our relationship to the next level and become a couple. But things got so messy, it turned out to be a melodrama when it supposed to be the easiest thing on Earth. Aggressiveness, manipulation, secrecy and lies, revenge to the point of sadism and all the destructive things a Scorpio is capable of doing took place throughout this year.
It seems like we instantly stopped communicating on all levels. Now I am about to give up and flee because I got tired of this nonsense. Simply no time and no energy to feed her drama appetite.
I don’t care how much depth is in a Scorpio’s soul, how sensitive they are and how many feelings are withholding from the world, but boy, their dark side is something that I wish no one to encounter in this life.