Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Feb 26 – March 3

Scorpio, on the 27th, the Libra Moon conjoins with the South Node in your sector of healing, spirituality, and closure. You’ve been releasing and purging so much since 2024 began, and since we are in an “8” year, you will continue to do so all throughout 2024. This transit is your monthly reminder to not give into escapism or self-isolation. Alone time is good for you to process things and to rest, but it’s important that you create a sense of balance, and that you find ways to alchemize your insights into divine inspiration. This isn’t an easy process, as your inner reservoir is currently being replenished, and this requires intense energetic and psychic detox. You can accompany this process by devoting yourself to what fills you up rather than giving your attention to what drains you.

The energy of the Virgo Full Moon will continue to be felt as we wrap up the month of February, so you’re also in the process of analyzing your social circle — you’re paying attention to how you show up as a friend and how you’d like others to show up for you. On the 28th, a pretty auspicious alignment is going to occur when both Mercury and Saturn find themselves within the heart of the Sun in your sector of fate, true love, and creativity. This will be an important moment of self-realization. If you’ve felt uninspired or creatively blocked, this Mercury-Sun-Saturn alignment will help you break past that and reignite the spark. If ideas for new structures that can sustain your expressions come through, don’t dismiss them. Pay attention to the whispers (or shouts!) of your inner child. This cosmic push may just be what you need in order to begin to produce your greatest work. You may also finally overcome your fear of success (or your fear of failure), allowing you to make major progress on a task you had previously procrastinated on.

The Moon spends time in Scorpio from the 28th to March 2nd, making you more sensual, romantic, and moody. With the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in your sign, you’re able to magnetize your desires into existence, making the end of the month and the start of March a great time to open up to someone you love (or multiple people) and let them see you in a more vulnerable light. Through showing up authentically, you give those around you permission to do the same. Pay attention to ways when you may have consciously or unconsciously been playing mind games or restraining your emotions in order to come off as the one who loves the least, or cares the least. It’s pretty exhausting, isn’t it? The Moon in Scorpio is an invitation to view love as the essence of who you are, and to allow yourself to melt into it, while allowing love to melt into you. Merging with your soulmate(s) is very much a possibility this week, if you choose to get out of your own way and trust that the best case scenario is the one that you — and the right partner(s) — are brave enough to co-create.

The week comes to an end with the Last Quarter Moon in Sag, inviting you to see the material world as a place of adventure rather than something you always have to strive to achieve. You’ll be reflecting on your relationship with money, as well as your self-esteem. Perhaps you’ve attached your self-worth to how much money you make, or how much money you can keep in your bank account. That’s a dangerous mentality though, because your worth is way beyond any monetary value. Yes, it’s important to have a solid grasp on your finances and feel fulfilled by the work you do, but you shouldn’t grasp too tightly onto your financial desires, or else they’ll slip from your fingers. Spend Saturday and Sunday being honest about what your fears are regarding your money journey, and also make concerted efforts to heal from past traumas or struggles you may have held on to regarding money. Take things breath by breath, Scorpio. You’re figuring it out as you flow.

Exciting news! I’m relaunching the KnowTheZodiac App next month. It’ll be filled with exciting new features to help you better understand yourself and your birth chart. If you’d like to be a beta-tester for the new and improved KTZ App, sign up here. For all those who have already signed up, hang on tight, we’ll be in touch with next steps soon.

Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!

SKU: CG-888 Categories: ,


Welcome to 2024, Scorpio. In numerology, 2024 adds up to a “8” year, and the number 8 represents ancestral wisdom, cathartic healing, and infinite abundance. For many Scorpios, 2024 is also the year of starting fresh on a spiritual journey, and tapping into more profound realms of living, loving, learning, and evolving. Once Jupiter completes its transit through Taurus in May 2024, many Scorpios will feel like they’re in the healthiest, most stable, and emotionally-fulfilling union (be it romantic, professional, creative, or platonic) that they’ve experienced so far this decade.

Our relationship with our own selves will also have gone through a transformative period of growth, allowing us to feel secure within ourselves, and this energy radiates outwardly, attracting the right type of partners and friends our way. This won’t all happen in a smooth-sailing way though, largely due to our ruler Pluto re-entering Aquarius in January 2024 and preparing us for a twenty-year journey through the Fixed Air sign which gives us a run for our money when it comes to stubbornness and extreme behavioral patterns.

2024 is by no means a perfect year, but it is one that will pivotally transform the trajectory of many Scorpios’ lives, for years or decades to come. It’s not every year that Pluto enters Aquarius, and since we’re Pluto ruled, we are entering our Aquarius era, as Scorpios. Aquarius is the sign of emotional detachment, and that’s what we’ll be here to master these next two decades, whether we feel ready for it or not. Fortunately, since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, remains in Pisces until 2026, adding more softness and intuitive awareness to our daily realities, we’ll remember the power of leaning into our own psyches and tuning out distractions on our evolutionary journeys. A new era is now upon us! Are you ready for this magical shift? 

ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!



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Have a great start end to February, Scorpio! Thank you for being part of this community.

ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Feb 19 – 25

Scorpio, are you listening to your body’s wisdom? On the 19th, the North Node conjoins Chiron in Aries, reminding you that it’s time to take initiative when it comes to your healing and wellness journey. What kind of shifts are your health, lifestyle and work habits in need of? If you’ve been wanting to put an end to unhealthy patterns and start healthier habits, this is your sign to begin that process. Your future self will thank you.

On the 21st, the Moon in Leo opposes Pluto, Venus and Mars, all in Aquarius, connecting you with your willingness to shed what feels safe in order to find your place in the world. This requires an intense transformation, and it’s a process that will take time. You’re a master at transmutation and rebirth though, so you got this! During this time you may not feel as social or energetic as usual. You’ll be in the mood to go inward and ask yourself the tough questions. You’ll also feel ready to face whatever you’ve been procrastinating on, and get clear on what blockages may be keeping you from reaching your full potential. The key is to have compassion for yourself throughout this journey. We’ve never experienced our ruling planet Pluto in Aquarius aligning with so many other Aquarian placements in our lifetime, up until now. So don’t rush your rebirth… get curious about it. Rise in love with your newly evolving self.

Mercury enters Pisces on the 23rd, activating your creative spirit. Allow yourself to enter the creative space of self-expression with no expectations or timelines, so you can remember what it feels like to play. Pisces Season is here to remind you that life is not only about self-improvement. You’d benefit from letting your inner child do what they want to do, when they want to do it, without controlling or restraining them from living the life they love. Speaking of love, Pisces Season will have you in a more ethereal and romantic mood, so if you have your eye on someone, or they have their eyes on you, you’re likely to be more open to flirting, love-making, and passion playing together.

The Full Moon in Virgo strikes on the 24th at 7:30am EST, shedding light on your social circles, group chats, and community gatherings. This Moon is here to remind you about the productive and regenerative nature available in centering mutual pleasure. Abundance becomes sustainable when we refuse to hoard it. This means that as we near the final week of February, you’re being encouraged to check in with your friend group and make sure they’re aware of how much you mean to them. You’ll also find it easier to detach from one-sided relationships or friendships where you’ve been the one putting in more of the energy. If you’re actually the one who’s been pushing people away without explanations, don’t be surprised if you find yourself facing people’s boundaries toward you, as they may not feel as connected to the relationship as they once did. Accept what happens, change what you feel must be changed, and prepare for March to bring in new blessings once you’ve cleared out the dead weight.

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Feb 12 – 18

Scorpio, as more planets make their way out of Capricorn and enter Aquarius this week, you’re encouraged to follow your inner yearning for a more vital connection to your roots. We’re riding the waves of Aquarian energy with the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto in the sign of the water-bearer, plus Mars and Venus joining them on the 13th and 16th, respectively. Your sector of home, family and ancestry is supercharged by Aquarius energy, and you’re feeling a need for greater clarity, novelty, and structure in this area of your life.

Mars, your planetary ruler, and Venus, the Planet of Love, will both conjoin with Pluto in Aquarius on the 14th and 17th. When planets intertwine, they exchange secrets and insights, so Mars and Venus are being offered a fresh perspective into what the Pluto Aquarius shift is all about. Your actions (Mars) and your intimacy (Venus) will begin to shape a vibrant narrative that aligns with the new Aquarian reality. During the next twenty years, a revolution will occur within your foundations. This is a time to take action while bringing a bit more loving into your sense of security, what family means to you, your chosen family, and the dynamics that play out. It’s a time of so much healing on a core and primal level. Being real and vulnerable in your domestic life is where your power is at right now. If you haven’t been as present with your loved ones as you would’ve liked, this is your opportunity to show up.

This weekend, the Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, infusing much-needed Water energy into the cosmos, and helping Scorpios feel more at ease internally and externally. It’s the time of the year to infuse your creations with the passion and care you wished others felt when they received them. Be your own muse, romanticize your life, and rise in love with yourself and everything you have the potential to be.

Prepare for others to be blown away by your brilliance — they will seek to be closer to your vibrant energy, but it’s up to you to practice discernment and know when to share your energy and with whom. Pisces Season tends to dissolve boundaries and could make it easier for you to fall for the fantasies or illusions of a situation rather than the reality, so your mission as this season begins is to remain grounded, even amidst all the Air energy currently in the cosmos. This is a season of love, though, so it’s definitely not the time to be closing your heart or be overly self-protective. Dare to believe in the best case scenario, and it will soon come to life. And if you haven’t yet set your new moon intentions for last week’s Aquarius new moon, this is is your sign to do so before the 19th.

Exciting news! I’m relaunching the KnowTheZodiac App next month. It’ll be filled with exciting new features to help you better understand yourself and your birth chart. If you’d like to be a beta-tester for the new and improved KTZ App, sign up here. For all those who have already signed up, hang on tight, we’ll be in touch with next steps soon.


Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!

SKU: CG-888 Categories: ,


Welcome to 2024, Scorpio. In numerology, 2024 adds up to a “8” year, and the number 8 represents ancestral wisdom, cathartic healing, and infinite abundance. For many Scorpios, 2024 is also the year of starting fresh on a spiritual journey, and tapping into more profound realms of living, loving, learning, and evolving. Once Jupiter completes its transit through Taurus in May 2024, many Scorpios will feel like they’re in the healthiest, most stable, and emotionally-fulfilling union (be it romantic, professional, creative, or platonic) that they’ve experienced so far this decade.

Our relationship with our own selves will also have gone through a transformative period of growth, allowing us to feel secure within ourselves, and this energy radiates outwardly, attracting the right type of partners and friends our way. This won’t all happen in a smooth-sailing way though, largely due to our ruler Pluto re-entering Aquarius in January 2024 and preparing us for a twenty-year journey through the Fixed Air sign which gives us a run for our money when it comes to stubbornness and extreme behavioral patterns.

2024 is by no means a perfect year, but it is one that will pivotally transform the trajectory of many Scorpios’ lives, for years or decades to come. It’s not every year that Pluto enters Aquarius, and since we’re Pluto ruled, we are entering our Aquarius era, as Scorpios. Aquarius is the sign of emotional detachment, and that’s what we’ll be here to master these next two decades, whether we feel ready for it or not. Fortunately, since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, remains in Pisces until 2026, adding more softness and intuitive awareness to our daily realities, we’ll remember the power of leaning into our own psyches and tuning out distractions on our evolutionary journeys. A new era is now upon us! Are you ready for this magical shift? 

ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!



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Have a great start to Pisces Season, Scorpio! Thank you for being part of this community.

ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Jan 29 – Feb 4

Scorpio, the week begins with an earthy grand trine between Mars in Capricorn, Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. This transit impacts your communication style, your connections and your ideas. It can give you the confidence to apply for something you’ve had on your bucket list for a while, or begin a creative project that’s been on your mind since the decade began. You’re being invited to step up as a leader and expert in your chosen field, and to speak up about what you stand for and care about. Reach out and connect with the ones that hold similar visions as you, be that in real life or virtually.

This week is an ideal time to make new friends or even spark a new romance through the causes you believe in and through speaking up and taking a stand. Stepping outside of your comfort zone will help you feel more empowered and connected to humanity. Now that we’re in the Pluto in Aquarius era, you’re noticing yourself opening up to the world and being less of an extreme hermit. You still love your solitude, but you crave genuine connection more than usual.

Romantically, Venus’ placement in Capricorn makes you more discerning of what’s been turning you on and off. You may be under the impression that someone close to you is playing mind games with you — resist the urge to play games with them too. It’s best to either give yourself some space to do your own thing, or have a direct conversation with them if you notice any awkwardness or confusion. With no planets currently retrograde, your ability to get your point across clearly and effectively increases around this time. The main thing to remember is to not take yourself or others too seriously with Venus and Mars both in Capricorn. Sometimes you’re overthinking the situation and the other person just needs some time to figure out their own objectives before reconnecting with you.

On Friday, we experience the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, occurring at 6:18pm EST. This is a time of intuition, understanding, letting go and setting new intentions. A few things that can aid you in this moment of transition between the Full and New Moon is paying attention to your impulse for nurture, whether you feel like nurturing yourself, your loved ones, your home, your pets or your plants. Follow this urge to sink into comforts and spread love and warmth to others. The Moon’s transit through our sign from Thursday to Saturday is also a good time to play around with your looks. How do you want to present yourself? What first impression would you like to give? You may be in the mood to give yourself a make-over or switch up you look this weekend. View life as your movie, and you’re the main star.

Exciting news! I’m relaunching the KnowTheZodiac App very soon — it’ll be filled with exciting new features to help you better understand yourself and your birth chart. If you’d like to be a beta-tester for the new and improved KTZ App, sign up here.

Discover more about 2024’s transits (including your key love transits) in Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide.

Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!

SKU: CG-888 Categories: ,


Welcome to 2024, Scorpio. In numerology, 2024 adds up to a “8” year, and the number 8 represents ancestral wisdom, cathartic healing, and infinite abundance. For many Scorpios, 2024 is also the year of starting fresh on a spiritual journey, and tapping into more profound realms of living, loving, learning, and evolving. Once Jupiter completes its transit through Taurus in May 2024, many Scorpios will feel like they’re in the healthiest, most stable, and emotionally-fulfilling union (be it romantic, professional, creative, or platonic) that they’ve experienced so far this decade.

Our relationship with our own selves will also have gone through a transformative period of growth, allowing us to feel secure within ourselves, and this energy radiates outwardly, attracting the right type of partners and friends our way. This won’t all happen in a smooth-sailing way though, largely due to our ruler Pluto re-entering Aquarius in January 2024 and preparing us for a twenty-year journey through the Fixed Air sign which gives us a run for our money when it comes to stubbornness and extreme behavioral patterns.

2024 is by no means a perfect year, but it is one that will pivotally transform the trajectory of many Scorpios’ lives, for years or decades to come. It’s not every year that Pluto enters Aquarius, and since we’re Pluto ruled, we are entering our Aquarius era, as Scorpios. Aquarius is the sign of emotional detachment, and that’s what we’ll be here to master these next two decades, whether we feel ready for it or not. Fortunately, since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, remains in Pisces until 2026, adding more softness and intuitive awareness to our daily realities, we’ll remember the power of leaning into our own psyches and tuning out distractions on our evolutionary journeys. A new era is now upon us! Are you ready for this magical shift? 

ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!



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Have a great start to 2024, Scorpio! Thank you for being part of this community.

ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Jan 22 – 28

Scorpio, this is the first full week that Pluto, our ruling planet, is in Aquarius. If you’re a Scorpio born between October 23 and October 27th, you’ll feel the effects of Pluto squaring off (creating astrological tension) with our natal Scorpio Sun most intensely. All Scorpios will eventually feel this square sometime during the next twenty years, and we can all tell that our lives are going through radical change, but earlier Scorpios will feel the change most immediately. Please be kind to yourself, more than ever. It’s as if you’re going through major growing pains and all you can do is breathe your way through them and trust that this process of transformation won’t last forever. Flow through the week with a spirit of gratitude for all that you’ve already accomplished and all the rewards that are to come. Approach your life, and this Pluto in Aquarius era, with the spirit of the peaceful warrior.

On the 23rd, Venus enters Capricorn, where it will be for the next month, highlighting your sector of communication and daily activities. Your days will begin to feel more purposeful during this transit, and you’ll notice yourself having higher standards in both love and friendship. If you’re an artist or creative, you’ll be taking your journey more seriously and practicing self-discipline. Make sure to pay closer attention to the small beauties of life, like how yummy the breeze or the sun feels on your skin, how healing it can be to indulge in a cup of herbal tea, or the joy that comes from playing your favorite playlist during your commute. Venus in Capricorn can increase our critical tendencies — both toward ourselves and others. Whenever you feel yourself overthinking, spend time in nature. Go sit next to a tree or take a walk outside. Taking a nap is also a good solution.

On the 25th, we experience the Full Moon in Leo becoming at 12:54pm EST, in your sector of professional pursuits and social image. Showing up as your full authentic self in all that you do is where real success and the most rewarding wins are at. This Full Moon is an invitation to practice putting yourself and your dreams first. If you’ve been contemplating a career change, this is your sign to go for it. Especially because on the 27th, Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, shifts direct in Taurus after being retrograde for the past five months. This allows us to be more receptive to inevitable change, particularly when it comes to our life journeys and our relationships. Pay attention to the aspects of yourself that you’re being invited to experiment through your connection with others.

The combination of Uranus being direct and the Leo Full Moon could lead to us having to let go of relationships that aren’t a vibrational match for us, and while this may at first be challenging, it will ultimately make room for the abundant, mutually beneficial and deeply enriching opportunities and connections that will help us bloom. Trust that the Universe wants what’s best for you, Scorpio. Do you want what’s best for you too?

Read all about 2024’s transits (including your key love transits) in Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide.

Order my 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!

PS: If you’d like to be a beta-tester for the new and improved KTZ App which relaunches soon, sign up here.


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!

SKU: CG-888 Categories: ,


Welcome to 2024, Scorpio. In numerology, 2024 adds up to a “8” year, and the number 8 represents ancestral wisdom, cathartic healing, and infinite abundance. For many Scorpios, 2024 is also the year of starting fresh on a spiritual journey, and tapping into more profound realms of living, loving, learning, and evolving. Once Jupiter completes its transit through Taurus in May 2024, many Scorpios will feel like they’re in the healthiest, most stable, and emotionally-fulfilling union (be it romantic, professional, creative, or platonic) that they’ve experienced so far this decade.

Our relationship with our own selves will also have gone through a transformative period of growth, allowing us to feel secure within ourselves, and this energy radiates outwardly, attracting the right type of partners and friends our way. This won’t all happen in a smooth-sailing way though, largely due to our ruler Pluto re-entering Aquarius in January 2024 and preparing us for a twenty-year journey through the Fixed Air sign which gives us a run for our money when it comes to stubbornness and extreme behavioral patterns.

2024 is by no means a perfect year, but it is one that will pivotally transform the trajectory of many Scorpios’ lives, for years or decades to come. It’s not every year that Pluto enters Aquarius, and since we’re Pluto ruled, we are entering our Aquarius era, as Scorpios. Aquarius is the sign of emotional detachment, and that’s what we’ll be here to master these next two decades, whether we feel ready for it or not. Fortunately, since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, remains in Pisces until 2026, adding more softness and intuitive awareness to our daily realities, we’ll remember the power of leaning into our own psyches and tuning out distractions on our evolutionary journeys. A new era is now upon us! Are you ready for this magical shift? 

ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!



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Have a great start to 2024, Scorpio! Thank you for being part of this community.

ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via

Scorpio’s Weekly Forecast: Jan 15 – 21

There comes a time when silence is betrayal. I’m starting off the weekly scope with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, as the week begins with us honoring his legacy. His life and resistance resonate so much with both the Pluto in Capricorn transit that we’re about to say farewell to, as well as the Pluto in Aquarius era of which we’re on the threshold.

Pluto and the Sun meet in the sign of Capricorn on the 20th, the same day that Pluto moves back into Aquarius and that the Sun gives way to Aquarius Season. The start of this twenty-year transit is shaking the foundations of your home, family and ancestry. For you, Scorpio, this transit will be about finding your place in the world, even when it means you have to let go of what feels safe and familiar. In order for your roots to become stronger and deeper, you will need to uproot what no longer serves the purpose of your life. So ask yourself what changes need to be made in your living space, with the people you share your home with, with the relationships in your family (blood or chosen), and with your connection to your ancestry. What needs to go? What needs to transform? Where do you need to get deeper?

Venus is spending its final full week in Sagittarius, and this is inviting you to be more playful, flirtatious, and fun. If you’re dating someone, you’ll be in the mood to go on adventures with them and be more spontaneous romantically, especially when the Moon’s in Taurus this weekend. If you’re single, you may feel connected to someone at work due to Mars’ presence in Capricorn, as well as Mercury’s. Find ways to blend your responsibilities with your desire to meet the person who will help you achieve power-couple status. This may mean listening to songs or watching movies that emulate the type of energy you seek to be as a partner, and the type of energy you seek to attract. With Uranus, the Planet of Surprise, about to shift direct in our partnership sector next week, many plot twists await when it comes to your love life. The key is to remain positive, with the help of Venus in Sag, and visualize the best case scenario.
Once Pluto enters Aquarius on the 20th, and Aquarius Season begins that same day, you’ll feel like an alien that’s entered a new dimension. So much of your life is about to change, Scorpio, and your mission is to get comfortable being uncomfortable, because Aquarius energy squares off (creates astrological tension) with our Scorpio nature and may make us feel like so much in our lives is out of our control. But we have the power to breathe through the discomfort, and get curious about what this Age of Aquarius is here to teach us. View this influx of Aquarius energy in the cosmos as your friend rather than your foe, and you’ll be catapulted to new heights.

Learn more about what January 2024 has in store in Scorpio’s January forecast

Read all about 2024’s transits (including your key love transits) in Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide.

Scorpio’s 2024 Cosmic Guide is ready for you to dive into! Order the 60+ page report for exclusive insights on the key Astro Transits of 2024 and how they’ll influence us personally, financially, romantically, spiritually, and professionally. All orders include a Love Forecast for 2024 within the report. Enjoy!


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide


ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!

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Welcome to 2024, Scorpio. In numerology, 2024 adds up to a “8” year, and the number 8 represents ancestral wisdom, cathartic healing, and infinite abundance. For many Scorpios, 2024 is also the year of starting fresh on a spiritual journey, and tapping into more profound realms of living, loving, learning, and evolving. Once Jupiter completes its transit through Taurus in May 2024, many Scorpios will feel like they’re in the healthiest, most stable, and emotionally-fulfilling union (be it romantic, professional, creative, or platonic) that they’ve experienced so far this decade.

Our relationship with our own selves will also have gone through a transformative period of growth, allowing us to feel secure within ourselves, and this energy radiates outwardly, attracting the right type of partners and friends our way. This won’t all happen in a smooth-sailing way though, largely due to our ruler Pluto re-entering Aquarius in January 2024 and preparing us for a twenty-year journey through the Fixed Air sign which gives us a run for our money when it comes to stubbornness and extreme behavioral patterns.

2024 is by no means a perfect year, but it is one that will pivotally transform the trajectory of many Scorpios’ lives, for years or decades to come. It’s not every year that Pluto enters Aquarius, and since we’re Pluto ruled, we are entering our Aquarius era, as Scorpios. Aquarius is the sign of emotional detachment, and that’s what we’ll be here to master these next two decades, whether we feel ready for it or not. Fortunately, since Saturn, the Teacher Planet, remains in Pisces until 2026, adding more softness and intuitive awareness to our daily realities, we’ll remember the power of leaning into our own psyches and tuning out distractions on our evolutionary journeys. A new era is now upon us! Are you ready for this magical shift? 

ScorpioMystique’s 2024 Cosmic Guide provides detailed astrological insights on the best dates to make major moves, when to lay low, when to plan, when to launch new ventures, etc…

Order ScorpioMystique’s detailed astrological forecast for an inside look on what to expect in 2024. My 55+ page report includes a general overview of how 2024 will influence Scorpio placements, as well as a monthly breakdown of the astrological transits in store January – December 2024.

All orders include a bonus Love Forecast for 2024 included within the report. Enjoy, and have a beautiful year!



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Have a great start to 2024, Scorpio! Thank you for being part of this community.

ScorpioMystique aka Dossé-Via